Ulkoisten stressitekijöiden vaikutus vieraslajien siementen itävyyteen
Useat haitallisiksi luokitellut puutarhalevitteiset vieraskasvilajit ovat monin paikoin levinneet Suomen luontoon, erityisesti tienpientareille ja joutomaille. Vieraskasvilajit ovat suuri ongelma ja ekologinen uhka alkuperäiskasvillisuudelle. Yhteisiä piirteitä vieraslajeille ovat nopea lisääntyminen, kasvu ja leviäminen, sie-menten dormanssi sekä kyky sopeutua fysiologisesti uusiin olosuhteisiin. Vieraskasvilajeja sisältävän tienpientareiden niittojätteen hyödyntämistä lannoitteena kompostoinnin jälkeen tutkitaan. Ongelma kompostoidun kasvimassan hyödyntämisessä lannoitteena on vieraslajien siementen mahdollinen selviytyminen prosessista, mutta siementen itävyyteen vaikuttavista tekijöistä tiedetään vähän. Pro gradu- tutkielman tarkoitus oli tutkia erilaisten ulkoisten stressitekijöiden vaikutuksia vieraslajien siementen itävyyteen, jotta saataisiin lisää tietoa siitä, miten siemenet reagoivat vaihteleviin olosuhteisiin, millaisia erilaisia suojausmekanismeja tutkittavien lajien siemenillä on, ja mikä on se tekijä/tekijät, joiden täytyy toteutua, jotta siemenen itävyys tuhoutuu. Tutkielmassa perehdyttiin laajalle levinneiden puutarhalevitteisten komealupiinin (Lupinus polyphyllus), kurtturuusun (Rosa rugosa), jättiputken (Heracleum persicum-ryhmä) ja jättipalsamin (Impatiens glandulifera) siemeniin. Siemenet altistettiin 1–4 viikon mittaisille lämpö- (30°C, 50°C ja 70 °C), pH- (2,5–12) sekä painekäsittelyille (186 N, 569 N ja 1292 N), mikä jälkeen siementen riski itää arvioitiin tetrazoliumvärjäyksen ja rakenteellisen arvioinnin perusteella. Lämpötesteissä korkean lämpötilan ja korkean kosteuspitoisuuden yhdistelmän todettiin olevan tärkein tekijä siementen tuhoutumisessa. 30 °C asteessa riski itää oli suurimmillaan kaikilla testilajeilla. 30 °C ja 50 °C asteen välillä siementen rakenne alkoi hajota ja riski itää laski huomattavasti. 70 °C lämpökäsittelyistä selvisi dormantteja komealupiinin siemeniä ja muiden lajien siemenet tuhoutuivat. Kurtturuusun ja jättiputken siemenet kestivät parhaiten pitkäaikaista altistusta vaihteluvälillä pH 2,5–10,1. Ainoastaan komealupiinin siemeniä selvisi dormanttina kuukauden vahvasti emäksisestä käsittelystä (pH 10,5–12). Testilajien itävyys laski samassa suhteessa paineen nousun kanssa jättiputkella ja jättipalsamilla. Komealupiinin siemenillä itävyys nousi paineen kasvaessa. Tulosten perusteella voidaan arvioida vieraslajimassoja sisältävien prosessituotteiden lannoitekäyttöön liittyviä riskejä.
Several invasive alien plant species classified as harmful, have spread to Finnish nature, especially to road embankments and wastelands. These alien species are a major problem and an ecological threat to Finland's indigenous vegetation. Com-mon features to alien plant species are rapid reproduction, growth and propagation, seed dormancy, and an ability to adapt physiologically to new environments. The utilization of roadside mowed biomass as fertilizer after composting is being studied. Because the mowing waste contains plant seeds, there is a risk of alien species spreading via the fertilizer if the seeds do not inactivate during the com-posting process. Knowledge about the factors affecting alien species seed germination is exiguous. The purpose of the master's thesis was to study the effects of different external stressors on seeds of alien species in order to obtain more information on how the seed reacts to varying conditions, what are the different defence mechanisms of seed of the studied species and what is the factor (s) that must be met in order for seeds to be destroyed. The seeds of widespread garden-propagated garden lupin (Lupinus polyphyllus), japanese rose (Rosa rugosa), persian hogweed (Heracleum persicum- group) and himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulif-era) were taken under research. The seeds were tested by temperature (30 °C, 50 °C and 70 °C), pH (2,5–12) and pressure (186 N, 569 N and 1292 N) treatments for 1-4 weeks, after which the risk of seed germination was estimated by tetrazolium staining and by evaluating the structural condition of the seeds. In thermal tests, the combination of high temperature and high humidity was found to be the most crucial factor in the destruction of the seeds. At 30 °C, the risk of germination was highest in all test species. Between 30 °C and 50 °C, the structure of the seeds began to disintegrate, and the risk of germination decreased significantly. Garden lupin seeds in the dormant state survived the 70 °C heat treatments, but the seeds of the other test species were destroyed. The seeds of japanese rose and persian hogweed had the highest tolerance to long-term exposure to pH concentrations in the pH range of 2.5–10.1. Only garden lupin seeds survived as a dormant after four weeks of strongly alkaline treatment (pH 10.5–12). With persian hogweed and himalayan balsam seeds, germination decreased in proportion to the increase in pressure. The germination of garden increased with increasing pressure. The results can be used to assess the risks associated with the use of fertilizers containing alien species.
Several invasive alien plant species classified as harmful, have spread to Finnish nature, especially to road embankments and wastelands. These alien species are a major problem and an ecological threat to Finland's indigenous vegetation. Com-mon features to alien plant species are rapid reproduction, growth and propagation, seed dormancy, and an ability to adapt physiologically to new environments. The utilization of roadside mowed biomass as fertilizer after composting is being studied. Because the mowing waste contains plant seeds, there is a risk of alien species spreading via the fertilizer if the seeds do not inactivate during the com-posting process. Knowledge about the factors affecting alien species seed germination is exiguous. The purpose of the master's thesis was to study the effects of different external stressors on seeds of alien species in order to obtain more information on how the seed reacts to varying conditions, what are the different defence mechanisms of seed of the studied species and what is the factor (s) that must be met in order for seeds to be destroyed. The seeds of widespread garden-propagated garden lupin (Lupinus polyphyllus), japanese rose (Rosa rugosa), persian hogweed (Heracleum persicum- group) and himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulif-era) were taken under research. The seeds were tested by temperature (30 °C, 50 °C and 70 °C), pH (2,5–12) and pressure (186 N, 569 N and 1292 N) treatments for 1-4 weeks, after which the risk of seed germination was estimated by tetrazolium staining and by evaluating the structural condition of the seeds. In thermal tests, the combination of high temperature and high humidity was found to be the most crucial factor in the destruction of the seeds. At 30 °C, the risk of germination was highest in all test species. Between 30 °C and 50 °C, the structure of the seeds began to disintegrate, and the risk of germination decreased significantly. Garden lupin seeds in the dormant state survived the 70 °C heat treatments, but the seeds of the other test species were destroyed. The seeds of japanese rose and persian hogweed had the highest tolerance to long-term exposure to pH concentrations in the pH range of 2.5–10.1. Only garden lupin seeds survived as a dormant after four weeks of strongly alkaline treatment (pH 10.5–12). With persian hogweed and himalayan balsam seeds, germination decreased in proportion to the increase in pressure. The germination of garden increased with increasing pressure. The results can be used to assess the risks associated with the use of fertilizers containing alien species.
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Master thesis
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