Polvituen ja biomekaanisen jalkineen vaikutus kipuun ja kävelyyn polven nivelrikkoa sairastavilla
Polven nivelrikko on yleinen kipua ja toimintakyvyn haittaa aiheuttava nivelsairaus. Sen perimmäistä syytä ei tiedetä, eikä parantavaa hoitoa tunneta. Sairauden riski kasvaa iän myötä. Polven nivelrikon aiheuttama kipu ja jäykkyys vaikuttavat kävelyyn. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tutkia polvituen ja biomekaanisen jalkineen käytön sekä kotiharjoittelun vaikutusta kipuun ja kävelyyn polven nivelrikkoa sairastavilla henkilöillä.
Tutkimus on osa laajempaa Keski-Suomen keskussairaalan polven nivelrikko -tutkimusta, jossa aineisto kerättiin vuosina 2016–2019. Tutkittavat olivat keskimäärin 61–vuotiaita (N = 135) ja tutkittavista 59 % oli naisia. Tutkittavat satunnaistettiin kolmeen interventioryhmään ja kaikissa ryhmissä interventio kesti neljä kuukautta. Kotiharjoitteluryhmä (n = 43) teki kolme kertaa viikossa kotiharjoittelua, polvitukiryhmä (n = 42) käytti polvitukea ja teki samaa harjoitusohjelmaa kuin kotiharjoitteluryhmä, ja biomekaaninen jalkineryhmä (n = 50), joka käytti biomekaanisia jalkineita, mutta ei osallistunut harjoitusohjelmaan. Kipua arvioitiin VAS-kipunalla ja WOMAC-kyselyllä sekä kävelyä GAITRite-järjestelmällä. Pääanalyysimenetelminä käytettiin Kruskal-Wallisin testiä ja yksisuuntaista varianssianalyysiä (ANOVA) sekä binääristä logistista regressioanalyysiä.
Kipu väheni kaikissa interventioryhmissä. Polvitukiryhmän kipu väheni enemmän verrattuna kotiharjoitteluryhmään VAS-kipujanalla arvioituna (p = 0,042), mutta WOMAC-kyselyn kivun osa-alueen perusteella ryhmät eivät eronneet toisistaan. Kävelyanalyysin perusteella kävelynopeus, askeltiheys, askel- ja askelsyklin pituus lisääntyi, heilahdus- ja yksöistukivaiheen osuus kävelysyklistä lisääntyi sekä kaksoistuki- ja tukivaiheen osuus kävelysyklistä väheni (p < 0,001 – p = 0,049). Ryhmät eivät eronneet tilastollisesti toisistaan. Merkittävin kävelyyn yhteydessä oleva tekijä oli painoindeksi, myös polven nivelrikon vaikeusaste, sukupuoli, ikä ja polvikivun kesto olivat yhteydessä kävelyyn. Heikoin kävelyyn yhteydessä oleva tekijä oli polvikivun voimakkuus.
Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tulokset osoittavat, että neljän kuukauden kestoinen polvituen käyttö ja kolme kertaa viikossa toteutettu kotiharjoittelu oli vaikuttavampi kivun hoitomuoto verrattuna pelkkään kotiharjoitteluun. Biomekaanisen jalkineen käytöllä ei ollut vaikutusta kipuun enemmän kotiharjoitteluun verrattuna. Kävelyn osalta interventiot eivät eronneet toisistaan. Kaikissa ryhmissä kipu väheni ja kävely parani. Polvituki yhdistettynä kotiharjoitteluun tai biomekaanisen jalkineen käyttö tai pelkkä kotiharjoittelu ovat sopivia harjoittelumuotoja polven nivelrikkoa sairastaville.
Knee osteoarthritis is a common joint disease that causes pain and functional disability. The exact cause of osteoarthritis is unknown and there is no cure for the disease. The risk of the disease increases with age. The pain and stiffness caused by osteoarthritis of the knee affect walking. The purpose of this master’s thesis was to investigate the effect of knee brace and the use of biomechanical footwear as well as home training on pain and walking in people with knee osteoarthritis. The study is part of a larger Central Finland Central Hospital knee osteoarthritis study, in which the data were collected in 2016–2019. The subjects were on average 61 years old (N = 135) and 59% of the subjects were women. Subjects were randomized to three intervention groups and in all groups, the intervention lasted four months. The home training group (n = 43) did home training three times a week, the knee brace group (n = 42) used knee brace and did the same exercise program as the home training group, and the biomechanical footwear group (n = 50) used biomechanical walking balance footwear without training program. Pain was assessed with visual analog scale (VAS) and WOMAC questionnaire as well as walking with the GAITRite analysis system. Kruskal-Wallis test and one-way analysis of variance as well as logistic regression analysis were used as the main analysis methods. Pain was reduced in all intervention groups. Pain in the knee brace group was reduced more compared to the home training group as assessed by the VAS (p = 0,042). However, the groups did not differ from each other according to the pain component of the WOMAC questionnaire. In gait analysis, speed of walking, cadence, step and stride length increased, the share of swing and single support phase in the gait cycle increased, and the share of double support and support phase in the gait cycle decreased (p < 0,001 – p = 0,049). The groups did not differ statistically. The strongest factor associated with walking was body mass index, and the severity of knee osteoarthritis, gender, age, and duration of knee pain were also associated with walking. The weakest factor associated with walking was the intensity of knee pain. The results of this master’s thesis show that the use of knee brace for four months and home exercise three times a week was more effective form of pain management compared to home exercise alone. The use of biomechanical footwear did not affect pain more than training alone. According to gait analysis, the interventions did not differ. In all groups, the pain decreased, and walking improved. Knee brace combined with home training, or the use of biomechanical footwear or home training alone are suitable forms of training for people with knee osteoarthritis.
Knee osteoarthritis is a common joint disease that causes pain and functional disability. The exact cause of osteoarthritis is unknown and there is no cure for the disease. The risk of the disease increases with age. The pain and stiffness caused by osteoarthritis of the knee affect walking. The purpose of this master’s thesis was to investigate the effect of knee brace and the use of biomechanical footwear as well as home training on pain and walking in people with knee osteoarthritis. The study is part of a larger Central Finland Central Hospital knee osteoarthritis study, in which the data were collected in 2016–2019. The subjects were on average 61 years old (N = 135) and 59% of the subjects were women. Subjects were randomized to three intervention groups and in all groups, the intervention lasted four months. The home training group (n = 43) did home training three times a week, the knee brace group (n = 42) used knee brace and did the same exercise program as the home training group, and the biomechanical footwear group (n = 50) used biomechanical walking balance footwear without training program. Pain was assessed with visual analog scale (VAS) and WOMAC questionnaire as well as walking with the GAITRite analysis system. Kruskal-Wallis test and one-way analysis of variance as well as logistic regression analysis were used as the main analysis methods. Pain was reduced in all intervention groups. Pain in the knee brace group was reduced more compared to the home training group as assessed by the VAS (p = 0,042). However, the groups did not differ from each other according to the pain component of the WOMAC questionnaire. In gait analysis, speed of walking, cadence, step and stride length increased, the share of swing and single support phase in the gait cycle increased, and the share of double support and support phase in the gait cycle decreased (p < 0,001 – p = 0,049). The groups did not differ statistically. The strongest factor associated with walking was body mass index, and the severity of knee osteoarthritis, gender, age, and duration of knee pain were also associated with walking. The weakest factor associated with walking was the intensity of knee pain. The results of this master’s thesis show that the use of knee brace for four months and home exercise three times a week was more effective form of pain management compared to home exercise alone. The use of biomechanical footwear did not affect pain more than training alone. According to gait analysis, the interventions did not differ. In all groups, the pain decreased, and walking improved. Knee brace combined with home training, or the use of biomechanical footwear or home training alone are suitable forms of training for people with knee osteoarthritis.
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Master thesis
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