The metabolic responses to electrical pulse-induced contractions in C2C12 myotubes are greater in high glucose medium
Osaa liikunnan terveyshyötyjen mekanismeista on vaikeaa tutkia ihmisillä tai koe-eläimillä. Viljeltyjen C2C12 myotuubien sähköpulssistimulaatiolla (EPS, engl. electrical pulse stimulation) voidaan mallintaa lihassupistuksia ja liikuntaa in vitro –olosuhteissa. EPS:n vaikutusta C2C12 myotuubien aineenvaihduntaan ei kuitenkaan tunneta tarkasti. Lisäksi C2C12 myotuubeja viljellään yleensä korkeassa ei-fysiologisessa 25 mM glukoosipitoisuudessa, mikä voi vaikuttaa EPS-vasteisiin. Tässä tutkimuksessa C2C12 myotuubeja sähköpulssistimuloitiin 24 tunnin ajan sekä matalan 5.5 mM (MG) että korkean 25 mM (KG) glukoosipitoisuuden olosuhteissa, ja aineenvaihduntatuotteiden konsentraatiot analysoitiin sekä soluista että elatusaineesta ydinmagneettisella resonanssispektroskopialla (NMR). EPS:n vaikutuksesta, solut käyttivät enemmän glukoosia sekä erittivät paljon laktaattia ja asetaattia molemmissa glukoosipitoisuuksissa, mutta etenkin KG-olosuhteissa. Lisäksi etenkin KG-olosuhteissa C2C12 myotuubit erittivät haaroittuneita lyhytketjuisia rasvahappoja (BSCFA) ja ketoaine 3-hydroksibutyraattia. Edelleen havaittiin, että BSCFA:t korreloivat vahvasti haaraketjuisten aminohappojen (BCAA) kanssa myotuubeissa. Lisäksi BSCFA:n määrä laski dramaattisesti, kun C2C12 myotuubeja kasvatettiin BCAA-vapaissa olosuhteissa. Näin ollen BSCFA:t olivat todennäköisesti peräisin BCAA-hajotuksesta ja mahdollisesti asyylikoentsyymi A tioesteraasi 9 -entsyymin (ACOT9) toiminnasta. Tulosten pohjalta voidaan todeta, että tulevissa tutkimuksissa olisi tärkeää ottaa elatusaineen ravintoaineiden määrät paremmin huomioon. Jatkotutkimuksissa olisi hyödyllistä selvittää myös asetaatin ja BSCFA:n roolia kudosten välisessä aineenvaihdunnallisessa viestinnässä.
Some of the mechanisms behind the favorable effects of physical activity are difficult to study in vivo. Electrical pulse stimulation (EPS) of the cultured myotubes has become a widely used in vitro model to mimic in vivo muscle contractions and exercise. However, its detailed effects on metabolic processes are still poorly known. The C2C12 myotubes are usually cultured in supraphysiological 25 mM glucose conditions, which can affect EPS responses. In this present study, C2C12 myotubes were electrical pulse stimulated for 24 hours in low (5.5 mM) and high (25 mM) glucose (LG and HG respectively) conditions, and both intra- and extracellular metabolites were analyzed using untargeted nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In response to EPS, the C2C12 myotubes increased glucose consumption and secreted large amounts of lactate and acetate in both glucose conditions but especially in HG condition. In addition, the C2C12 myotubes secreted branched short-chain fatty acids (BSCFAs) and a ketone body 3-hydroxybutyrate in response to EPS, especially in HG condition. Intracellular BSCFAs and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) correlated highly and BSCFA content substantially decreased when myotubes were cultured in BCAA-free medium, suggesting that BSCFAs were formed through the catabolism of BCAAs and possibly by acyl-CoA thioesterase 9 (ACOT9) enzyme. The results suggest that nutrient availability is an important factor to consider in future studies. Further, the role of acetate and BSCFAs in inter-organ metabolic communication would be beneficial to study in the future.
Some of the mechanisms behind the favorable effects of physical activity are difficult to study in vivo. Electrical pulse stimulation (EPS) of the cultured myotubes has become a widely used in vitro model to mimic in vivo muscle contractions and exercise. However, its detailed effects on metabolic processes are still poorly known. The C2C12 myotubes are usually cultured in supraphysiological 25 mM glucose conditions, which can affect EPS responses. In this present study, C2C12 myotubes were electrical pulse stimulated for 24 hours in low (5.5 mM) and high (25 mM) glucose (LG and HG respectively) conditions, and both intra- and extracellular metabolites were analyzed using untargeted nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In response to EPS, the C2C12 myotubes increased glucose consumption and secreted large amounts of lactate and acetate in both glucose conditions but especially in HG condition. In addition, the C2C12 myotubes secreted branched short-chain fatty acids (BSCFAs) and a ketone body 3-hydroxybutyrate in response to EPS, especially in HG condition. Intracellular BSCFAs and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) correlated highly and BSCFA content substantially decreased when myotubes were cultured in BCAA-free medium, suggesting that BSCFAs were formed through the catabolism of BCAAs and possibly by acyl-CoA thioesterase 9 (ACOT9) enzyme. The results suggest that nutrient availability is an important factor to consider in future studies. Further, the role of acetate and BSCFAs in inter-organ metabolic communication would be beneficial to study in the future.
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Master thesis
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