Kansallisen tason joukkuevoimistelijoiden palautumisen arviointi sykevälivaihtelun, syljen kortisolitason ja mielialakyselyn avulla mitattuna
Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää kansallisen eli SM (suomenmestaruus) -tason joukkuevoimistelijoiden palautumisen tasoa ja vaihtelua, kauden pääkisojen ympärillä sykevälivaihtelumittauksen, syljen kortisolipitoisuuden sekä POMS (Profile of Mood States) -mielialakyselyn avulla.
Tutkittavina oli 15 SM-tason joukkuevoimistelijaa, jotka osallistuivat tutkimukseen Kilpa- ja huippu-urheilun tutkimuskeskuksen, Training Room -hankkeen myötä (MIIA-tutkimus). Tutkittavat osallistuvat 72 tunnin sykevälivaihteluun perustuvaan Firstbeat -mittaukseen vuonna 2020 suomenmestaruuskilpailuja edeltävällä ja seuraavalla viikolla. Syljen kortisolipitoisuutta mitattiin aamulla heti heräämisen jälkeen, molempien seurantajaksojen kolmena aamuna. Urheilijoiden psyykkistä kuormitusta mitattiin tutkimuksen aikana POMS-mielialakyselyllä, joka täytettiin kerran kummankin seurantajakson keskimmäisen mittauspäivän aamuna.
Sykevälivaihtelua kuvastavan RMSSD-muuttujan mukaan voimistelijoiden palautumisen taso oli hyvää sekä SM-kilpailuviikon, että seurantaviikon aikana (RMSSD mediaani SM-viikko, 71; seurantaviikko, 82). Muutoksen ero mittauskertojen välillä ei kuitenkaan ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevä. Kortisolipitoisuus sekä POMS-kyselyn jännitysmuuttujan mediaani laski lähes tilastollisesti merkitsevästi SM-kilpailuviikon jälkeen (p = 0,05; p = 0,07). Muiden muuttujien osalta ei tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja ollut SM-kilpailuviikon ja seurantaviikon tulosten välillä. Firstbeatin palautumis/kuormitus -muuttuja korreloi sekä aamun kortisolipitoisuuden (p<0,05) että POMS-kyselyn kokonaispistemäärän (p<0,05) kanssa seurantaviikon mittauksissa.
Johtopäätöksenä voimistelijoiden palautumisen taso kauden pääkisojen ympärillä oli kohtalaisen hyvää. Syljen kortisolipitoisuus sekä POMS-kysely korreloivat kohtalaisesti sykevälivaihteluun perustuvan Firstbeat -mittarin tulosten kanssa yön aikaisessa tarkastelussa. Palautumista kuvaa-vien muuttujien välillä ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkitsevää vaihtelua, mutta muuttujien tulosten suunta viittasi palautumisen määrän nousuun seurantaviikolla. Joukkuevoimistelijoiden kuormit-tuneisuuden ja palautumisen jatkotutkimuksissa, tilastollisen voiman parantamiseksi, tarvitaan suurempi tutkimusjoukko.
The purpose of this master's thesis was to determine the level and variability of the recovery of aesthetic group gymnasts around the season's main competition through the measurement of heart rate variation, saliva cortisol levels, as well as the POMS (Profile of Mood States) mood survey. A total of 15 national level aesthetic group gymnasts participated in the study. Participants took part in the Training Room project in the Research Institute for Olympic Sports. The subjects took part in a 72-hour heart rate variability (HRV) measurement (Bodyguard 2.0, Firstbeat Technologies). The measurement was scheduled around the Finnish Championship of aesthetic group gymnastic in 2020 (three competition week and three follow-up week days). Saliva cortisol levels were measured in the morning immediately after waking up on all six mornings. The psychological load of the athletes was measured during the study by the POMS mood survey, which was filled out once a week in the morning. According to the RMSSD variable reflecting the heart rate variability, gymnasts had good recovery levels during both the competition (national championships) week and the follow-up week (RMSSD median competition week, 71; follow-up week, 82). However, the difference between measurement times was not statistically significant. The cortisol concentration, as well as the median stress in the POMS survey, decreased almost statistically significantly after the competition week (p = 0.05; p = 0.07). For other variables, there were no statistically significant differences between the results of the competition week and the follow-up week. Firstbeat's stress/relax variable correlates with both morning cortisol levels (p<0.05) and total POMS survey score (p<0.05) in follow-up week measurements. As a conclusion, the level of recovery for gymnasts around the season's main competition was moderately good. Saliva cortisol levels, as well as the POMS survey, are moderately correlated with Firstbeat HRV-results in an overnight review. No statistically significant variation was observed between the variables describing the recovery, but the direction of the variables’ results suggested an increase in the rate of recovery in the follow-up week. Further research with a larger sample size is needed to improve statistical power.
The purpose of this master's thesis was to determine the level and variability of the recovery of aesthetic group gymnasts around the season's main competition through the measurement of heart rate variation, saliva cortisol levels, as well as the POMS (Profile of Mood States) mood survey. A total of 15 national level aesthetic group gymnasts participated in the study. Participants took part in the Training Room project in the Research Institute for Olympic Sports. The subjects took part in a 72-hour heart rate variability (HRV) measurement (Bodyguard 2.0, Firstbeat Technologies). The measurement was scheduled around the Finnish Championship of aesthetic group gymnastic in 2020 (three competition week and three follow-up week days). Saliva cortisol levels were measured in the morning immediately after waking up on all six mornings. The psychological load of the athletes was measured during the study by the POMS mood survey, which was filled out once a week in the morning. According to the RMSSD variable reflecting the heart rate variability, gymnasts had good recovery levels during both the competition (national championships) week and the follow-up week (RMSSD median competition week, 71; follow-up week, 82). However, the difference between measurement times was not statistically significant. The cortisol concentration, as well as the median stress in the POMS survey, decreased almost statistically significantly after the competition week (p = 0.05; p = 0.07). For other variables, there were no statistically significant differences between the results of the competition week and the follow-up week. Firstbeat's stress/relax variable correlates with both morning cortisol levels (p<0.05) and total POMS survey score (p<0.05) in follow-up week measurements. As a conclusion, the level of recovery for gymnasts around the season's main competition was moderately good. Saliva cortisol levels, as well as the POMS survey, are moderately correlated with Firstbeat HRV-results in an overnight review. No statistically significant variation was observed between the variables describing the recovery, but the direction of the variables’ results suggested an increase in the rate of recovery in the follow-up week. Further research with a larger sample size is needed to improve statistical power.
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Master thesis
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The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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