Kielitietoiset käytänteet tukemassa maahanmuuttotaustaisten opiskelijoiden kiinnittymistä ammatilliseen koulutukseen
Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan pedagogisia käytänteitä, jotka tukevat kiinnittymistä sekä kielen ja sisältöjen rinnakkaista oppimista ammatillisessa koulutuksessa. Tiimietnografinen haastattelu- ja havainnointiaineisto kerättiin ammatillisessa oppilaitoksessa kahtena lukuvuonna. Osallistujat ovat myöhään suomalaiselle koulupolulle tulleita maahanmuuttotaustaisia nuoria aikuisia. Näiden seitsemän opiskelijan lisäksi haastateltiin neljäätoista opetus- ja ohjaushenkilökunnan jäsentä. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavalla sisällönanalyysilla, jossa hyödynnettiin ekologista, osallistumista painottavaa lähestymistapaa kielen ja sisältöjen oppimiseen. Tulokset osoittavat, että kielellinen tuki jää herkästi irralleen ammattisisältöjen opetuksesta. Vuorovaikutuksen tietoinen rakentaminen tukee kiinnittymistä ja ammatillisen kielitaidon oppimista. Osallistujien kielitaidon eri osa-alueiden kehittämistä tuettiin vain niukasti, mikä vaikutti heikentävästi opiskeluihin kiinnittymiseen, jatko-opintomahdollisuuksiin ja joskus myös työssäoppimispaikkojen saamiseen. Myöskään osallistujien monikielisyyttä ei opinnoissa tuettu, mutta se on silti heille tärkeä opiskelun resurssi. Tuloksia voidaan soveltaa kielitietoista ammatillista koulutusta ja ohjausta kehitettäessä.
In this article, we analyse pedagogical practices that support student engagement and integrated learning of language and content in vocational education. The team-based ethnographical interview and observation data were gathered in a vocational school during two school years. The key participants are seven young adults with an immigrant background. They all were late arrivals to the Finnish educational path. In addition, fourteen members of the teaching and study counselling staff were interviewed. The data were analysed using theory-driven content analysis. An ecological approach to language learning was applied to identify practices that support participation and integrated learning of language and content. The results indicate that in vocational education, linguistic support remains easily apart from the content studies. Conscious enhancement of interaction promotes engagement and learning the field-specific language. In the case of the key participants, different modes of language use were supported only scarcely, which weakened their chances for equal engagement in activities, access to practical training and further studies, and sometimes even school engagement. The participants’ multilingualism is not supported in the studies either, but it seems nevertheless to be a valuable learning resource for them. The results of this study can be applied in developing language aware vocational education and supervision practices.
In this article, we analyse pedagogical practices that support student engagement and integrated learning of language and content in vocational education. The team-based ethnographical interview and observation data were gathered in a vocational school during two school years. The key participants are seven young adults with an immigrant background. They all were late arrivals to the Finnish educational path. In addition, fourteen members of the teaching and study counselling staff were interviewed. The data were analysed using theory-driven content analysis. An ecological approach to language learning was applied to identify practices that support participation and integrated learning of language and content. The results indicate that in vocational education, linguistic support remains easily apart from the content studies. Conscious enhancement of interaction promotes engagement and learning the field-specific language. In the case of the key participants, different modes of language use were supported only scarcely, which weakened their chances for equal engagement in activities, access to practical training and further studies, and sometimes even school engagement. The participants’ multilingualism is not supported in the studies either, but it seems nevertheless to be a valuable learning resource for them. The results of this study can be applied in developing language aware vocational education and supervision practices.
Main Authors
Research article
Publication in research information system
Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura
Original source
The permanent address of the publication this for linking
Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
- Mustonen, S., & Puranen, P. (2021). Kielitietoiset käytänteet tukemassa maahanmuuttotaustaisten opiskelijoiden kiinnittymistä ammatilliseen koulutukseen. Kasvatus, 52(1), 65-78.
Research Council of Finland
Funding program(s)
Academy Project, AoF
Akatemiahanke, SA

Copyright© Kirjoittajat 2021