Data-analytiikka terveydenhuollossa : systemaattinen kirjallisuuskartoitus
Massadata ja sen hyödyntäminen analytiikan keinoin on noussut viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana yhdeksi keskeisimmäksi mielenkiinnon kohteeksi sekä tiedemaailmassa että liiketoiminnan eri osa-alueilla. Massadataa kertyy yhä kasvavalla nopeudella erilaisten teknologioiden käytön jatkuvasti lisääntyessä. Massadata on keskeinen käsite myös terveydenhuollossa, missä terveysdataa kertyy sekä terveydenhuollon organisaatioiden tietojärjestelmiin, että terveydenhuollon ulkopuolella esimerkiksi erilaisten puettavien teknologioiden kautta. Terveysdatan hyödyntämisellä data-analytiikan keinoin nähdään terveydenhuollossa paljon erilaisia käyttökohteita, kuten sairauksien varhaisen tunnistamisen ja diagnostiikan parantaminen, yksilökohtaisempien hoitomenetelmien kehittäminen, terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten päätöksenteon tukeminen ja terveydenhuollon johtamisen ja resurssien optimoinnin kehittäminen.
Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella data-analytiikan ja terveyden-huollon leikkauspintaa tieteellisessä kirjallisuudessa ja kartoittaa aiheesta tehtyjä tieteellisiä julkaisuja. Tutkimusongelmana on selvittää, milloin ja millä foorumeilla aiheesta on julkaistu tutkimuksia ja mitä aihepiirejä tutkimukset käsittelevät. Tutkimusaineistona on 176 tieteellistä julkaisua, jotka lajiteltiin systemaattisen kirjallisuuskartoituksen menetelmällä. Aineiston lajittelun perusteella todettiin, että data-analytiikka terveydenhuollossa on selkeästi ajankohtainen aihe, sillä viimeisen viiden vuoden aikana aiheeseen liittyvien julkaisujen määrä on selvästi lisääntynyt. Aiheeseen liittyviä tieteellisiä julkaisuja on julkaistu hyvin laajasti eri tieteellisillä foorumeilla ja aineistossa esiintyy melko tasaisesti sekä lehtiartikkeleita että konferenssijulkaisuja. Suurimmassa osassa julkaisuja tieteellisenä kontribuutiona on menetelmien arviointi ja julkaisujen yleisin aihe terveydenhuollon näkökulmasta on data-analytiikan sovellettavuuden arviointi terveydenhuoltoon, mutta data-analytiikan tutkimuksen tietyn sairauden tai potilasryhmän hoitoon nähdään selvästi lisääntyneen viime vuosina. Teknologisesta näkökulmasta suurin osa julkaisuista käsittelee tiettyä teknologiaa tai teknologista näkökulmaa, ja teknologioista yleisimmin esiintyvät koneoppiminen ja Apachen sovellukset. Tutkimusaineistossa yleisimmät käytetyn tai tutkitun data-analytiikan käyttötarkoitus ovat hoitomenetelmien kehittäminen ja sairauksien ennustaminen.
Big data and its utilization through analytics have become one of the most important areas of interest both in the scientific world and in various fields of business within recent decades. The amount of big data is increasing at an ever-increasing rate as the use of various technologies continues to increase. Big data is also a key concept in healthcare, where health data is accumulated both in the systems used in healthcare organizations and outside healthcare, for ex-ample through various wearable technologies. Utilizing health data through data analytics benefits healthcare in many ways, such as improving early identification and diagnosis of diseases, developing more individualized treatments, supporting the decision making of healthcare professionals, and developing management and resource optimization in healthcare organizations. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the intersection of data analytics and healthcare in scientific literature and to map related scientific publications. The research problem is to examine when and in which scientific forums studies on the topic have been published and what topics are covered in studies. The research material is 176 scientific publications, which were sorted by the method of systematic mapping study. Mapping of the publications pointed clearly that data analytics in healthcare is very topical subject as the amount of the publications has clearly increased in last five years. Related scientific publications had been published very widely in various scientific forums, and both journal articles and conference proceedings are almost evenly distributed in the research material. In most publications, the scientific contribution is methodological evaluation, and the most common topic from a healthcare perspective is the evaluation of the applicability of data analytics to healthcare, but data analytics research for a particular disease or patient group has clearly in-creased in recent years. From a technological point of view, most publications deal with a specific technology or technological point of view, and of the technologies, machine learning and Apache applications are the most common. The most common purposes for data analytics used or examined are the development of treatment methods and the prediction of diseases.
Big data and its utilization through analytics have become one of the most important areas of interest both in the scientific world and in various fields of business within recent decades. The amount of big data is increasing at an ever-increasing rate as the use of various technologies continues to increase. Big data is also a key concept in healthcare, where health data is accumulated both in the systems used in healthcare organizations and outside healthcare, for ex-ample through various wearable technologies. Utilizing health data through data analytics benefits healthcare in many ways, such as improving early identification and diagnosis of diseases, developing more individualized treatments, supporting the decision making of healthcare professionals, and developing management and resource optimization in healthcare organizations. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the intersection of data analytics and healthcare in scientific literature and to map related scientific publications. The research problem is to examine when and in which scientific forums studies on the topic have been published and what topics are covered in studies. The research material is 176 scientific publications, which were sorted by the method of systematic mapping study. Mapping of the publications pointed clearly that data analytics in healthcare is very topical subject as the amount of the publications has clearly increased in last five years. Related scientific publications had been published very widely in various scientific forums, and both journal articles and conference proceedings are almost evenly distributed in the research material. In most publications, the scientific contribution is methodological evaluation, and the most common topic from a healthcare perspective is the evaluation of the applicability of data analytics to healthcare, but data analytics research for a particular disease or patient group has clearly in-creased in recent years. From a technological point of view, most publications deal with a specific technology or technological point of view, and of the technologies, machine learning and Apache applications are the most common. The most common purposes for data analytics used or examined are the development of treatment methods and the prediction of diseases.
Main Author
Master thesis
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