Esineiden internetin hyödyntäminen terveydenhoidossa ja tartuntatautien hallitsemisessa
Esineiden internet eli the internet of things (IoT) on yksi uusista teknologioista, joita voidaan soveltaa terveydenhoidossa ja tartuntatautien torjumisessa. Sen avulla voitaisiin potentiaalisesti nostaa terveydenhoidon tasoa. Ensin tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan IoT-laitteita yleisesti, niissä käytettyjä yleisiä teknologioita ja ehdotettuja arkkitehtuureja. Seuraavaksi tutkitaan esineiden internetiä terveydenhoidossa (engl. Internet Of Healthcare Things) (IoHT). Sitten vielä katsotaan IoHT:ta tartuntatautien kontekstissa. Lopuksi pohditaan eettisiä kysymyksiä ja tietoturvaongelmia.
The Internet of things (IoT) is one of the emerging technologies concerning healthcare and fighting infectious diseases in recent times. New technology has a lot of potential to upgrade medical care. This thesis examines the mentioned topic from multiple points of view. First we look at IoT in general, next we look at the Internet of healthcare things also known as IoHT. Then we examine IoHT specifically from the perspective of infectious diseases. Finally we take a look at cybersecurity and ethical concerns within IoT.
The Internet of things (IoT) is one of the emerging technologies concerning healthcare and fighting infectious diseases in recent times. New technology has a lot of potential to upgrade medical care. This thesis examines the mentioned topic from multiple points of view. First we look at IoT in general, next we look at the Internet of healthcare things also known as IoHT. Then we examine IoHT specifically from the perspective of infectious diseases. Finally we take a look at cybersecurity and ethical concerns within IoT.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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