Nuorten ja aikuisten naisjalkapalloilijoiden korkean intensiteetin juoksusuoritukset kansallisella ja kansainvälisellä tasolla
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, kuinka paljon ja millaisissa pelitilanteissa nuorten ja
aikuisten naisjalkapalloilijoiden korkean intensiteetin suoritukset (>20 km/h) tapahtuvat.
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös B-tyttöjen SM-sarjan, U17-maajoukkueen, naisten liigan ja naisten Amaajoukkueen välisiä eroja korkean intensiteetin suorituksissa. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin eri
tasojen välisiä eroja korkean intensiteetin juoksumäärissä ensimmäisen puoliajan, toisen puoliajan
sekä koko ottelun osalta.
Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin yhteensä 214 nuorta ja aikuista naisjalkapalloilijaa sekä heidän
pelisuorituksiaan. Pelitilanteista analysoitiin yhteensä 4706 korkean intensiteetin juoksusuoritusta 15
jalkapallo-ottelusta. Korkean intensiteetin juoksuksi määriteltiin tilanne, jossa pelaajan nopeus ylitti
raja-arvon 20 tai 23 km/h 0.1 sekunnin ajan. Liikkumisdatan keräämiseen käytettiin otteluissa Polar
Team Pro-laitteistoa ja pelitilanteet analysoitiin Dartfish 9 TeamPro -video-ohjelmalla. Tilastollisina
menetelminä käytettiin keskiarvojen vertailuun yksi- ja kaksisuuntaista varianssianalyysiä.
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin korkean intensiteetin juoksujen määriä pelipaikkakohtaisesti. Tuloksista
kävi ilmi, että aikuiset pelaajat tekivät pelipaikasta ja nopeusalueesta riippumatta enemmän korkean
intensiteetin juoksuja verrattuna nuoriin pelaajiin, lukuun ottamatta laitakeskikenttäpelaajia 20–23
km/h nopeusalueella. Laitapuolustajat tekivät muita pelaajia enemmän korkean intensiteetin juoksuja
kaikilla tasoilla lukuun ottamatta B-tyttöjen SM-sarjaa. Pelitilanneanalyysien mukaan korkean
intensiteetin suoritukset korostuivat puolustustilanteissa prässäämisessä (32 %) ja vetäytymisessä (22
%). Hyökkäystilanteissa korostuivat erityisesti pallottoman liike (44 %) sekä pystyjuoksut (21 %) ja
pallontavoittelutilanteet (15 %). Suurin osa korkean intensiteetin juoksuista tehtiin pallottomana
pelaajana (89 %).
Koko ottelun korkean intensiteetin juoksumäärissä A-maajoukkue teki selvästi eniten korkean
intensiteetin juoksuja, millä se erosi tilastollisesti merkitsevästi liigapelaajista (p<0,001), B-tyttöjen
SM-sarjasta (p<0,001) sekä U17-maajoukkueesta (p=0,005). Tulosten mukaan A-maajoukkueen
pelaajat juoksivat eniten kokonaismatkallisesti molemmilla nopeusalueilla (20–23 km/h ja yli 23
km/h). Korkean intensiteetin juoksuja tehtiin enemmän ensimmäisellä puoliajalla verrattuna toiseen
puoliaikaan muilla tasoilla paitsi B-tyttöjen SM-sarjassa.
Tulokset osoittavat, että korkean intensiteetin juoksusuoritusten määrät vaihtelivat eri tasojen sekä
pelipaikkojen välillä, ja niitä esiintyi eniten kollektiivista toimintaa vaativissa puolustus- ja
hyökkäystilanteissa. Taso- ja pelipaikkakohtaiset erot tulisi tiedostaa pelaajien yksilöllisessä
kehittämisessä ja harjoittelun suunnittelussa.
The purpose of this thesis was to examine the frequency, and during which phases of play, highintensity running performances (>20 km/h) occur in U17 and women football at national and international levels. An additional aim was to determine how the frequency of high-intensity performances and distance covered differed between U17 national league, U17 national team, Finnish women’s league, and Finnish women’s national team players. Match performances of 214 female football players were analyzed. A total of 4706 high-intensity performances were analyzed from in-game situations from 15 football matches. Data from matches were also divided in to first and second halves. A high-intensity run was defined as a situation in which a player's speed exceeded the limit value of 20 or 23 km/h for 0,1 second. Spatiotemporal movement data from matches were collected with Polar Team Pro systems. Matches were analyzed with Dartfish 9 TeamPro video software to determine during which phase of play high-intensity performance parameters occurred. One-way and two-way analysis of variances were used as statistical methods for assessing if there were any effects of competition level (national, international) and playing position on the examined variables. With respect to the number of high-intensity runs based on playing positions, the results showed that adult players, regardless of playing position and speed zone, performed more high-intensity runs compared to youth players, excluding wide midfielders in the 20–23 km/h speed zone. Fullbacks performed the most high-intensity runs, except for U17 national league players. According to the match situation analysis, high-intensity performances were more frequent in defense situations, such as pressing (32 %) and withdrawal (22 %). In attack situations, movements without the ball (44 %), vertical runs (21 %), and ball aiming situations (15 %) were particularly emphasized. Most highintensity runs were performed without the ball (89 %). Throughout the entire match, the women’s national team performed the most high-intensity runs, which was statistically different from the Finnish national league players (p<0.001), the U17 national league players (p<0.001), and the U17 national team players (p=0.005). Further, the women’s national team players ran the most overall distances in both speed zones. More high-intensity runs were made in the first half compared to second half except for U17 national league. The results of this study demonstrate that the frequency of high-intensity running parameters varied between playing levels and playing positions. Further, high-intensity runs were most prevalent in situations that required collective action, regardless of the situation being offensive or defensive. Therefore, differences between playing levels and playing positions should be accounted for when preparing each player’s individual development and training programs.
The purpose of this thesis was to examine the frequency, and during which phases of play, highintensity running performances (>20 km/h) occur in U17 and women football at national and international levels. An additional aim was to determine how the frequency of high-intensity performances and distance covered differed between U17 national league, U17 national team, Finnish women’s league, and Finnish women’s national team players. Match performances of 214 female football players were analyzed. A total of 4706 high-intensity performances were analyzed from in-game situations from 15 football matches. Data from matches were also divided in to first and second halves. A high-intensity run was defined as a situation in which a player's speed exceeded the limit value of 20 or 23 km/h for 0,1 second. Spatiotemporal movement data from matches were collected with Polar Team Pro systems. Matches were analyzed with Dartfish 9 TeamPro video software to determine during which phase of play high-intensity performance parameters occurred. One-way and two-way analysis of variances were used as statistical methods for assessing if there were any effects of competition level (national, international) and playing position on the examined variables. With respect to the number of high-intensity runs based on playing positions, the results showed that adult players, regardless of playing position and speed zone, performed more high-intensity runs compared to youth players, excluding wide midfielders in the 20–23 km/h speed zone. Fullbacks performed the most high-intensity runs, except for U17 national league players. According to the match situation analysis, high-intensity performances were more frequent in defense situations, such as pressing (32 %) and withdrawal (22 %). In attack situations, movements without the ball (44 %), vertical runs (21 %), and ball aiming situations (15 %) were particularly emphasized. Most highintensity runs were performed without the ball (89 %). Throughout the entire match, the women’s national team performed the most high-intensity runs, which was statistically different from the Finnish national league players (p<0.001), the U17 national league players (p<0.001), and the U17 national team players (p=0.005). Further, the women’s national team players ran the most overall distances in both speed zones. More high-intensity runs were made in the first half compared to second half except for U17 national league. The results of this study demonstrate that the frequency of high-intensity running parameters varied between playing levels and playing positions. Further, high-intensity runs were most prevalent in situations that required collective action, regardless of the situation being offensive or defensive. Therefore, differences between playing levels and playing positions should be accounted for when preparing each player’s individual development and training programs.
Main Authors
Master thesis
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