Effectiveness of training in guideline-oriented biopsychosocial management of low-back pain in occupational health services : a cluster randomized controlled trial

Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of brief training in the guideline-oriented biopsychosocial management of low-back pain (LBP) in occupational health services using a cluster-randomized design. A small sample of physiotherapists and physicians from the intervention units (N=12) were given three- to seven-day training focusing on the biopsychosocial management of LBP, while professionals in the control units (N=15) received no such training. Methods: Eligible patients with LBP, with or without radicular pain, aged 18–65, were invited to participate. A web-based questionnaire was sent to all recruited patients at baseline, three months and one year. The primary outcome measure was disability (Oswestry Disability Index, ODI) over one year. Between-group differences were analyzed using linear and generalized linear mixed models adjusted for baseline-response delay as well as variables showing between-group imbalance at baseline. Results: The final study sample comprised 234 and 81 patients in the intervention and control groups, respectively at baseline, and 137 and 47 patients, respectively, at one year. At baseline, the mean duration of pain was longer in the intervention group (P=0.017), and pain-related fear concerning physical activity was lower (P=0.012). We observed no significant difference between the groups’ primary outcome measure (adjusted one-year mean difference in the ODI: 2.3; 95% confidence interval -1.0–5.7; P=0.175) or most secondary outcomes. Conclusions: Brief training in guideline-oriented biopsychosocial management of LBP for occupational health professionals did not appear to be effective in reducing patients’ symptom over one-year follow-up compared to treatment as usual.
Main Authors
Articles Research article
Publication in research information system
Nordic Association of Occupational Safety and Health NOROSH
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202104192415Use this for linking
Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment and Health
  • Ryynänen, K., Oura, P., Simula, A.-S., Holopainen, R., Paukkunen, M., Lausmaa, M., Remes, J., Booth, N., Malmivaara, A., & Karppinen, J. (2021). Effectiveness of training in guideline-oriented biopsychosocial management of low-back pain in occupational health services : a cluster randomized controlled trial. Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment and Health, 47(5), 367-376. https://doi.org/10.5271/sjweh.3959
CC BY 4.0Open Access
Additional information about funding
The study was funded by: The Finnish Work Environment Fund; the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health; the Rokua Health and Rehabilitation Foundation; and the University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland.
Copyright© Authors, 2021
