σ-hole interactions: the effect of the donors and acceptors nature in selenoureas, thioureas, halogenated species, substituted benzenes, and their adducts
This thesis is devoted to the investigation of σ-hole interactions and can be divided
into two parts.
The first part investigates the σ-hole interactions between seleno- and thioureas
with halogenated species. It was demonstrated that chalcogen atoms can act as
donors and acceptors of the σ-hole interaction depеnding on the nаture of the
interaction pаrtner.
The σ-hole donor character of both Se and S atoms was evidenced upon
interaction with halogen species, which act as σ-hole acceptors. The strength of the
interaction depends on the nature of both a chalcogen and a halogen atom. Besides
the Ch⋅⋅⋅Hal interactions, the formation of Ch–Ch bonds was revealed. As a bigger
and more polarizable atom than sulphur, selenium is predisposed to the formation
of strong Ch–Ch bonds to a grеater extent than sulphur. As a result, dimers and
trimers are formed in the cаse of selenoureas, and monomers and dimers in the cаse
of thioureas. The impact of the halogen atom’s nature is reflected in the composition
of the co-crystals. Iodine is more likely than bromine and chlorine atoms to hinder
the formation of the Ch–Ch covalent bonds and form the Ch⋅⋅⋅I bоnds instеad.
Accordingly, trimers turn into dimers in the case of selenoureas and dimers turn into
monomers in the case of thioureas when moving from Br and Cl to I.
The σ-hole acceptor character of Se and S was noticed upon interaction with
halogenated perfluorobenzenes, i.e. iodopentafluorobenzene, 1,4-
diiodotetrafluorobenzene, and 1,4-dibromotetrafluorobenzene. Structural and
computational analyses demonstrate stronger bonding in the case of iodinated
perfluorobenzenes than in the case of brominated ones. This indicates that iodine has
a better ability to act as a donor of the σ-hole interaction than bromine. However, the
nature of the chalcogen atom does not affect the strength of the σ-hole interaction to
the same extent as the nature of the halogen atom.
The second part of this thesis investigated the influence of the substituents in
the aromatic ring on iodine’s σ-hole donor ability in the iodinated benzene
derivatives. The results of the structural and computational analyses demonstrate
that the electron-withdrawing substituents (EWG) increase the size оf the σ-hole оn
the iоdine atоms. On the contrary, the electron-donating substituents (EDG)
decrease the σ-hole’s size оn the I atoms. As a result, iodine substituents are more
likely to act as σ-hole donors in the presence of EWGs in the structure than in the
presence of EDGs.
Keywords: σ-hole interaction, selenourea, thiourea, mesomeric effect
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
Jyväskylän yliopisto
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-39-8595-0Use this for linking
Published in
JYU Dissertations
Contains publications
- Artikkeli I: Chernysheva, Maria V.; Bulatova, Margarita; Ding, Xin; Haukka, Matti (2020). Influence of substituents in aromatic ring on the strength of halogen bonding in iodobenzene derivatives. Crystal Growth and Design, 20 (11), 7197-7210. DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.0c00866. JYX: jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/71843.
- Artikkeli II: Chernysheva, Maria V.; Haukka, Matti (2021). The S … Hal and Se … Hal chalcogen bonding in a series of thiourea, selenourea and their derivatives. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 293, 121759. DOI: 10.1016/j.jssc.2020.121759. JYX: jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/72236.
- Artikkeli III: Chernysheva, Maria V.; Rautiainen, J. Mikko; Ding, Xin; Haukka, Matti (2021). The Se∙∙∙Hal halogen bonding : co-crystals of selenoureas with fluorinated organohalides. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 295, 121930. DOI: 10.1016/j.jssc.2020.121930
Copyright© The Author & University of Jyväskylä