Simulation of passive radar for air surveillance scenario training system
Passiiviset tutkat ovat kasvava kiinnostuksen kohde ilmavalvonnan sovelluksiin.
Tässä tutkielmassa perehdytään passiivisen tutkan realiaikaiseen simulointiin suunnittelun, implementoinnin ja evaluoinnin näkökulmasta.
Työ alkaa esityksellä suunnittelutieteen soveltumisesta simulaation kehitykseen verraten näiden vaiheita ja yhtenevyyksiä, jonka pohjalta esitellään viitekehys simulaation suunnitelututkimukseen.
Passiivisen tutkan teoria muodostetaan tutustumalla tutkateorian käsikirjoihin sekä kirjallisuuskatsauksella aikaisempaan tutkimukseen.
Tutkielman tuloksena esitellään simulaatiomalli passiiviselle tutkalle, jonka pohjalta kehitetään referenssitoteutus simuloidulle signaalinkäsittelylle ja havainnontuotolle.
Simulaation validoidaan rakentamalla aikaisemman tutkimusten passiivisia tutkia simulaatioskenaarioihin ja vertailemalla simuloitua suorituskykyä.
Tulokset osoittavat, että simulaatio pystyy mallintamaan passiivisten tutkien yksinkertaisia ominaisuuksia kuten maksimi kantama, integraation vahvistus ja signaali-interferenssin vaikutus.
Passive radars are an increasingly interesting type of radar for modern air survaillance systems. In this thesis, development of real-time simulation model for passive radar is studied considering design, implementation and evaluation. Methodologically this research is approached with combination of design research and simulation study, together forming a framework for design in model conceptualisation. To support the design efforts, a theoretical background is provided by literature review of basic radar concepts followed by historic and modern research on passive radars. An abstract model is described in UML notation that encapsulate components of passive radar and using the model a scheme for simulated signal processing is proposed as an evaluation for the model, which is then implemented into an air surveillance training simulation. This simulation implementation was compared to existing research depicted in literature review. Results show that the simulation is capable of depicting basic passive radar performance such as maximum range, integration gain and effects of signal-to-interference ratio and serves as an effective base for more sophisticated design.
Passive radars are an increasingly interesting type of radar for modern air survaillance systems. In this thesis, development of real-time simulation model for passive radar is studied considering design, implementation and evaluation. Methodologically this research is approached with combination of design research and simulation study, together forming a framework for design in model conceptualisation. To support the design efforts, a theoretical background is provided by literature review of basic radar concepts followed by historic and modern research on passive radars. An abstract model is described in UML notation that encapsulate components of passive radar and using the model a scheme for simulated signal processing is proposed as an evaluation for the model, which is then implemented into an air surveillance training simulation. This simulation implementation was compared to existing research depicted in literature review. Results show that the simulation is capable of depicting basic passive radar performance such as maximum range, integration gain and effects of signal-to-interference ratio and serves as an effective base for more sophisticated design.
Main Author
Master thesis
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