The occurrence of epiphytic lichens on Populus tremula in relation to the density of Picea abies
Vanhojen metsien haapojen määrä on laskussa. Tämä uhkaa niistä riippuvaista lajistoa, johon lukeutuu monia epifyyttijäkäliä. Potentiaaliset keinot vanhoista haavoista riippuvaisten jäkälien auttamiseksi keskittyvät kuusen runsauden käsittelyyn. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitin, miten kuusen runsauden vaihtelu vaikuttaa haavan jäkäläyhteisöihin. Tarkastelin gradienttia, jossa toisessa päässä kuusi ei ollut metsikössä läsnä, ja toisessa päässä kuusen tiheys oli hyvin korkea. Mittasin myös muita ympäristömuuttujia, joiden tiedetään vaikuttavan epifyyttijäkäliin. Tulosten mukaan kuusen tiheydellä oli suuri vaikutus haavan jäkäläyhteisöihin. Muut merkittävät ympäristömuuttujat olivat metsikön ikä ja haavan kaarnan pH. Sekä jäkälien kokonaislajirikkaus että punaisen listan lajien rikkaus olivat korkeimmillaan, kun kuusen tiheys oli keskimääräinen. Niin lajirikkaus kuin punaisen listan lajien esiintyminen kasvoivat metsikön iän myötä. Lajirikkaus myös oli korkeampaa, kun haavan kaarnan pH oli alhaisempi. Kuusen tiheys vaikutti mitatuista ympäristömuuttujista vahvimmin myös yhteisökoostumukseen, johon kaarnan pH:lla oli seuraavaksi vahvin vaikutus. Kuusen tiheyden suurta vaikutusta selittää sen yhteydet valon saatavuuteen sekä sukkessioon ja sitä myöten metsikön ikään. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan kuusen harvennuksesta haaparikkaissa vanhoissa metsissä ei pitäisi aiheutua haittaa haapojen jäkälille, joten se on suositeltavaa haavan jäkälien pitkän aikavälin säilymisen takaamiseksi.
Aspens in old-growth forests are in decline. This threatens the numerous taxa that are dependent on old aspens, which includes several epiphytic lichens. The potential methods to aid epiphytic lichens that are dependent on aspen are centered around treatments which affect spruce density. In this study, I investigated how epiphytic lichen communities on aspen are affected by variation in spruce density in the immediate vicinity of the aspen. I examined a gradient, where in one end spruce was absent, and in the other end, spruce density was very high. I also measured other environmental variables that are known to influence lichen occurrence. The results showed that lichen communities on aspen were strongly affected by spruce density. Other important environmental variables were stand age and bark pH. Both total lichen richness and the richness of red-listed species were highest at intermediate spruce densities. They both also increased with stand age, and total lichen richness was higher when bark pH was lower. Additionally, community composition was influenced the most by spruce density, followed by bark pH. The high influence of spruce density is explained by its connections to light availability and to succession and thus stand age. This study indicated that spruce thinning in aspen-rich old-growth forests should not be detrimental to lichens on aspens, and thus it is recommended as a management method to ensure the long-term persistence of old-growth lichens on aspen.
Aspens in old-growth forests are in decline. This threatens the numerous taxa that are dependent on old aspens, which includes several epiphytic lichens. The potential methods to aid epiphytic lichens that are dependent on aspen are centered around treatments which affect spruce density. In this study, I investigated how epiphytic lichen communities on aspen are affected by variation in spruce density in the immediate vicinity of the aspen. I examined a gradient, where in one end spruce was absent, and in the other end, spruce density was very high. I also measured other environmental variables that are known to influence lichen occurrence. The results showed that lichen communities on aspen were strongly affected by spruce density. Other important environmental variables were stand age and bark pH. Both total lichen richness and the richness of red-listed species were highest at intermediate spruce densities. They both also increased with stand age, and total lichen richness was higher when bark pH was lower. Additionally, community composition was influenced the most by spruce density, followed by bark pH. The high influence of spruce density is explained by its connections to light availability and to succession and thus stand age. This study indicated that spruce thinning in aspen-rich old-growth forests should not be detrimental to lichens on aspens, and thus it is recommended as a management method to ensure the long-term persistence of old-growth lichens on aspen.
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Master thesis
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The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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