Tapaustutkimus - toimintamalli IT-johtamisen yhteydestä koulutusorganisaation tuloksellisuuteen koulutuksen reformissa
The purpose of this study was to build an operating model, a construction of the connection between management and performance of an educational organization in educational reform. This construct has not been presented in previous studies. The dissertation is a constructive case study of a large and multidisciplinary training provider in an educational reform. Empirical data were mainly collected in 2014–2017.
The economic and operational challenges presented in the reform have led educational organizations to make structural and operational changes. From the perspective of organizational change, the changes have been compelling.
Prior research has shown the increased importance of information technology in the success of private and public sector organizations. According to research, a comprehensive business strategy improves the organization’s ability to respond flexibly to changes in the operating environment. Additionally, it enables the emergence of new types of products and services and increases productivity. Advanced information technology enables data to be collected, analyzed, processed, and presented in real time, as needed, for decision-making and its implementation. In addition to technological solutions, comprehensive management practices, including effective utilization of intangible capital, are needed.
The contribution of this study is as follows: the relationship of IT management and the performance of an educational organization in education reform has not been studied before as a combined effect of different aspects of management. Secondly, the training provider's empirical data have been collected, processed, presented, and interpreted between the follow-up period, and used to assess the training provider's management in relation to the operating model. This construction introduces knowledge about the link between management and performance in an education reform. One concrete new piece of information presented here is the relationship between different aspects of management in a construct built to address the structural, operational, and economic challenges posed by education reform.
Jyväskylän yliopistoISBN
978-951-39-8535-6ISSN Search the Publication Forum
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- JYU Dissertations [862]
- Väitöskirjat [3589]
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