Forest multifunctionality is not resilient to intensive forestry
Pohjanmies, T., Eyvindson, K., Triviño, M., Bengtsson, J., & Mönkkönen, M. (2021). Forest multifunctionality is not resilient to intensive forestry. European Journal of Forest Research, 140(3), 537-549.
Published in
European Journal of Forest ResearchDate
Ekologia ja evoluutiobiologiaResurssiviisausyhteisöEcology and Evolutionary BiologySchool of Resource WisdomCopyright
© The Author(s) 2021
There is ample evidence that intensive management of ecosystems causes declines in biodiversity as well as in multiple ecosystem services, i.e., in multifunctionality. However, less is known about the permanence and reversibility of these responses. To gain insight into whether multifunctionality can be sustained under intensive management, we developed a framework building on the concept of resilience: a system’s ability to avoid displacement and to return or transform to a desired state. We applied it to test the ability of forest multifunctionality to persist during and recover from intensive management for timber production in a boreal forest. Using forest growth simulations and multiobjective optimization, we created alternative future paths where the forest was managed for maximal timber production, for forest multifunctionality, or frst maximal timber production and then multifunctionality. We show that forest multifunctionality is substantially diminished under intensive forestry and recovers the slower, the longer intensive forestry has been continued. Intensive forestry thus not only reduces forest multifunctionality but hinders its recovery should management goals change, i.e., weakens its resilience. The results suggest a need to adjust ecosystem management according to long-term sustainability goals already today.

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Kone Foundation; Research Council of Finland; Ministry of Agriculture and ForestryFunding program(s)
Foundation; Academy Project, AoF; ERA-NET ProgrammesAdditional information about funding
Open Access funding provided by Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE). We are grateful to the Kone Foundation (Project No. 46-10588 to MM), to the Academy of Finland (Project No. 275329 to MM), and to the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (FutureBioEcon -project) for funding.License
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