Kumipuun Hevb2-proteiinin puhdistus, tunnistus ja karakterisointi sekä merkitys luonnonkumiallergeenina
Välitön tyypin I luonnonkumiallergia on IgE-välitteinen allerginen reaktio, jota esiintyy säännöllisesti luonnonkumituotteiden kanssa kosketuksiin joutuvilla henkilöillä. Luonnonkumiallergia aiheutti varsinkin 1990-luvulla vakavia ongelmia erityisesti terveydenhuollon työntekijöille ja potilaille, jotka ovat syntymästään lähtien läpikäyneet lukuisia kirurgisia toimenpiteitä, kuten selkärankahalkiolapset. Vaikka huomattavaa edistymistä on tapahtunut luonnonkumiallergian tunnistamisessa ja ehkäisyssä, voi se yhä olla kehittyvissä, mutta myös teollistuneissa maissa merkittävä työperäinen sairaus tai aiheuttaa allergisia reaktioita riskiryhmiin kuuluvilla, jotka käyttävät luonnonkumisia lääkinnällisiä tai kotitaloustuotteita. Tähän mennessä 15 luonnonkumin proteiinia on saanut allergeeniluokituksen. Näistä yksi, Hevb2 (-1,3-glukanaasi), on tunnistettu ja kloonattu, mutta sen merkitys allergeenina on jäänyt epäselväksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa Hevb2-proteiini puhdistettiin ultrasentrifugoidun luonnonkumin pohjafraktiosta (B-seerumi) kationinvaihto-, geelisuodatus- ja käänteisfaasikromatografialla. Proteiinin tunnistamisessa ja sen rakenteen karakterisoimisessa käytettiin geelielektroforeesia, MALDI-TOF MS (matriisiavusteinen laserdesorptio-ionisaatio-lentoaika massaspektrometria), ESI (sähkösumutusionisaatio) MS ja MS/MS -menetelmiä sekä N-terminaalista sekvensointia. Immunologinen karakterisointi suoritettiin ELISA (entsyymivälitteinen immunosorbenttimääritys) ja Western blot -menetelmillä käyttämällä suomalaisten potilaiden seerumeja, joista muutama oli peräisin myös luonnonkumiallergisilta potilailta. Hevb2-proteiinin havaittiin esiintyvän kahtena, molekyylipainoltaan 36,4 ja 37,6 kDa kokoisena isomuotona. Isomuodot tunnistettiin ja niiden yhteys määritettiin massaspektrometrisesti peptidisormenjälkien avulla. Molemmat olivat N-terminaalisesti blokattuja, jonka aiheutti 36,4 kDa isomuodolla syklinen pyroglutamiinihappo. ELISA-immunomäärityksessä vain 10 %:lla (7/71) potilaista löytyi spesifistä IgE-vasta-ainetta 36,4 kDa Hevb2-proteiinille. Vaikka tämän alustavan kokeen perusteella Hevb2-proteiini ei vaikuttaisi olevan merkittävä luonnonkumiallergeeni suomalaisilla potilailla, tutkimus on syytä toistaa valikoituneemmalla potilas- ja kontrollijoukolla niin, että molemmat isomuodot analysoidaan yhdessä ja proteiininäytteen puhtaus varmistetaan vielä esimerkiksi saatavilla olevilla monoklonaalisilla vasta-aineilla.
Type immediate hypersensitivity to natural rubber latex (NRL) is an IgE-mediated allergic reaction recognized in individuals who are frequently in contact with NRL products. NRL allergy has particularly in the 1990s caused the serious problems especially among health care workers and patients who have undergone multiple surgical operations, such as spina bifida children. Although substantial progress has been made in the understanding and prevention of NRL allergy, it may still be an important disease in developing but also in industrialized countries among person with occupational exposure to NRL gloves and among individuals belonging to risk group and using latex-containing medical or household products. To date, 15 latex proteins have received an international nomenclature designation as allergens. One of these, Hevb2 (-1,3-glucanase) has been identified and cloned but its significance as latex allergen has remained ambiguous. In this study, Hevb2 was purified from the bottom fraction (B-serum) of ultracentrifuged NRL by cation-exchange chromatography, gel filtration and reversed-phase chromatography. Identification and characterization of Hevb2 was performed using gel electrophoresis, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS), electrospray ionization (ESI) MS and MS/MS as well as N-terminal sequencing. Immunological characterization of Hevb2 was performed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunoblotting (Western blotting) using sera of Finnish patients, including also a few NRL allergic patients. Hevb2 protein occurred in two isoforms, 36.4 and 37.6 kDa according to mass spectrometry. The identity and the relationship of these two isoforms was demonstrated by peptide mass fingerprinting. Both isoforms were found to be N-terminally blocked but only the blocking group of 36.4 kDa Hevb2 was demonstrated to be a cyclic pyroglutamic acid. In ELISA, only 10 % (7/71) of sera from Finnish patients showed specific IgE antibodies to purified 36.4 kDa Hevb2. While this preliminary study demonstrated that highly purified 36.4 kDa Hevb2 appears not to be major latex allergen among Finnish population, more study is still needed with more selected patient and control group, and performing experiment so that the both isoforms are analysed together and the purity of protein preparation is further ascertained e.g. by monoclonal antibodies.
Type immediate hypersensitivity to natural rubber latex (NRL) is an IgE-mediated allergic reaction recognized in individuals who are frequently in contact with NRL products. NRL allergy has particularly in the 1990s caused the serious problems especially among health care workers and patients who have undergone multiple surgical operations, such as spina bifida children. Although substantial progress has been made in the understanding and prevention of NRL allergy, it may still be an important disease in developing but also in industrialized countries among person with occupational exposure to NRL gloves and among individuals belonging to risk group and using latex-containing medical or household products. To date, 15 latex proteins have received an international nomenclature designation as allergens. One of these, Hevb2 (-1,3-glucanase) has been identified and cloned but its significance as latex allergen has remained ambiguous. In this study, Hevb2 was purified from the bottom fraction (B-serum) of ultracentrifuged NRL by cation-exchange chromatography, gel filtration and reversed-phase chromatography. Identification and characterization of Hevb2 was performed using gel electrophoresis, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS), electrospray ionization (ESI) MS and MS/MS as well as N-terminal sequencing. Immunological characterization of Hevb2 was performed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunoblotting (Western blotting) using sera of Finnish patients, including also a few NRL allergic patients. Hevb2 protein occurred in two isoforms, 36.4 and 37.6 kDa according to mass spectrometry. The identity and the relationship of these two isoforms was demonstrated by peptide mass fingerprinting. Both isoforms were found to be N-terminally blocked but only the blocking group of 36.4 kDa Hevb2 was demonstrated to be a cyclic pyroglutamic acid. In ELISA, only 10 % (7/71) of sera from Finnish patients showed specific IgE antibodies to purified 36.4 kDa Hevb2. While this preliminary study demonstrated that highly purified 36.4 kDa Hevb2 appears not to be major latex allergen among Finnish population, more study is still needed with more selected patient and control group, and performing experiment so that the both isoforms are analysed together and the purity of protein preparation is further ascertained e.g. by monoclonal antibodies.
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Master thesis
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