Tele-visits in elderly care : effects on quality of life
Videopuhelut tai tele-visitit ovat tänä päivänä normaali asia, joita suurin osa ihmisistä käyttää esimerkiksi perheenjäsentensä kanssa. Ne ovat loistava tapa kommunikoida niin verbaalisesti kuin visuaalisin keinoin ihmisten kanssa, kun fyysinen tapaaminen on rajoitettua tai mahdollista vain harvoin. Covid-19 on osoittanut yhteiskunnalle teknologia ratkaisuiden kuten tele-visittien tärkeyden ja kuinka ne pystyvät auttamaan ihmisiä pysymään yhteydessä. Tele-visitit ovat edelleen uusi tai paremmin kuvailtuna käyttämätön tapa kommunikaatiota varten ikäihmisten palvelukodeissa. Tämä tutkimus arvioi tele-visittien vaikutuksia palvelukodissa asuvien ikäihmisten elämänlaatuun. Aihetta on tutkittu tarkemmilta elämänlaadun osilta kuten yksinäisyys, mutta kokonaisvaltaisia vaikutuksia ei ole tutkittu laajasti. Elämänlaadun osa-alueet tässä tutkimuksessa pohjautuvat teoreettiseen malliin, joka on luotu olemassa olevan kirjallisuuden ja tutkimustiedon pohjalta palvelukodissa asuvien ikäihmisten elämänlaadusta. Empiirinen laadullinen tutkimus toteutettiin Suomessa yksityisen terveysalan yrityksen palvelukotiympäristössä. Tutkimuksen löydökset osoittavat, että tele-visiteillä, joita suoritetaan toistuvasti perheen jäsenen kanssa, voi olla monia positiivisia vaikutuksia ikäihmisen elämänlaatuun. Vaikutukset ikäihmisen elämänlaatuun koostuivat suurimmaksi osaksi ilosta, elämän merkityksen tuntemisesta ja laadukkaiden sosiaalisuhteiden ylläpitämisestä tai edistämisestä, joita perheen jäsenen kanssa keskustelu ikäihmiselle tuo mukanaan. Implementoinnin konsepti tele-visiteille palvelukotiympäristöön syntyi kehityksen tuloksena jota tulisi tutkia ja jalostaa eteenpäin.
Video-call meetings or tele-visits are something that most of the people do with their family members in today’s world. It is a great way to communicate verbally and visually with people who you cannot meet physically often. Covid-19 showed the society the importance of technology solutions like tele-visits and how they help us stay connected. The tele-visits are still a new or rather unused way of communication in nursing homes for elderly people. This study evaluates the effects of tele-visits on the quality of life of elderly people living in a nursing home. The subject has been studied from smaller specific quality of life aspects like loneliness, but the overall effects have still not been studied widely. In this study, the quality of life areas are based on a theoretical model constructed of existing literature and research on the quality of life of elderly people living in nursing homes. The empirical qualitative research was executed in a Finnish private sector’s healthcare company’s nursing home for elderly people. The findings of the study show that tele-visits that are had frequently with family members can have many positive effects on the quality of life of the elderly person. The effects were mostly through the joy, meaning in life and maintaining or improving of quality social relationships, that talking frequently with a family member brought to the elderly person. A working concept for implementation of tele-visits into nursing homes was discovered by development that should be further researched.
Video-call meetings or tele-visits are something that most of the people do with their family members in today’s world. It is a great way to communicate verbally and visually with people who you cannot meet physically often. Covid-19 showed the society the importance of technology solutions like tele-visits and how they help us stay connected. The tele-visits are still a new or rather unused way of communication in nursing homes for elderly people. This study evaluates the effects of tele-visits on the quality of life of elderly people living in a nursing home. The subject has been studied from smaller specific quality of life aspects like loneliness, but the overall effects have still not been studied widely. In this study, the quality of life areas are based on a theoretical model constructed of existing literature and research on the quality of life of elderly people living in nursing homes. The empirical qualitative research was executed in a Finnish private sector’s healthcare company’s nursing home for elderly people. The findings of the study show that tele-visits that are had frequently with family members can have many positive effects on the quality of life of the elderly person. The effects were mostly through the joy, meaning in life and maintaining or improving of quality social relationships, that talking frequently with a family member brought to the elderly person. A working concept for implementation of tele-visits into nursing homes was discovered by development that should be further researched.
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Master thesis
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