Yksilön motiivit yrittäjyyteen sosiaalisen median kontektissa
Edellisen vuosikymmenen aikana tapahtunut muutos teknologiassa on muodostanut yrittäjyydelle uusia alustoja. Toimiminen yrittäjänä sekä yrittäjyys, eivät ole enää sidonnaisia fyysisesti määrättyyn paikkaan, vaan yrittäjyyttä on mahdollista harjoittaa sosiaalisessa mediassa esimerkiksi omasta kodistaan.
Tämän Pro Gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on perehtyä motiiveihin, joita yksilöillä on ilmennyt, heidän harjoittaessaan yrittäjyyttä sosiaalisessa mediassa. Tutkielmalla pyritään luomaan katsaus siihen, millaiset tekijät motivoivat aloittamaan yrittäjyyden sosiaalisessa mediassa. Tähän perehdytään yrittäjyysintentioiden synnyttäneiden tekijöiden ja minäpystyvyyden tunnistamisen avulla. Tutkielman päätutkimuskysymys on, mitkä ovat olleet motiivit yrittäjyyteen sosiaalisessa mediassa.
Teoriaosuus tutkielmaan on koottu yrittäjyysintentioiden, yrittäjyyden sekä yrittäjyyden tutkimuksen aikaisemmista tutkimuksista. Teoriaosuudessa käydään lävitse motivaatio teorioita, joista tähän tutkimukseen valittiin Maslow´n tarvehierarkia, Frederick Herzbergin kaksifaktoriteoria, Victor Vroomin odotusarvoteoria sekä Douglas McGregorin teoriat Y ja X. Empiirinen tutkimus suoritettiin haastattelemalla kymmentä henkilö, jotka harjoittavat yrittäjyyttä sosiaalisessa mediassa.
Tutkielman tulokset osoittavat, vapauden, työn muotoilun sekä mahdollisuuden tehdä yksilöä itseään kiinnostavaa työtä toimineen motivaationa yrittäjyyteen sosiaalisessa mediassa. Kyky tunnistaa omaa osaamistaan on myös toiminut motivaationa yrittäjyyteen. Yksilölle muodostuva vapaus vaikuttaa työhönsä on ilmiönä esiin nouseva teema tässä tutkimuksessa.
The change in technology over the past decade has provided new platforms for entrepreneurship. Being an entrepreneur, as well as entrepreneurship, are no longer tied to a physically determined place but it is possible to engage in entrepreneurship on social media for example, from their own home. The purpose of this Master's thesis is to get acquainted with the motives that individuals have expressed when engaging in entrepreneurship in social media. The aim of the research is to create an overview of what factors motivate to start entrepreneurship on social media. This is explored through the identification of the factors that gave rise to entrepreneurial intentions and self-efficaty. The main research question of the thesis is what have been the motives for entrepreneurship on social media. The theoretical part of the thesis is compiled from previous research on entrepreneurship intentions, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship research. In the theoretical part, motivation theories are reviewed from which Maslow´s hierarchy of needs, Frederick Herzberg´s two-factor theory, Victor Vroom´s expectancy theory and Douglas McGregos´s theory y and x were selected for this study. An empirical study was conducted by interviewing ten individuals engaged in entrepreneurship on social media. The results of the thesis show that freedom, the design of work and the opportunity to do work that interests the individual have served as a motivation for entrepreneurship on social media. The ability to identify one's own skills has also served as a motivation for entrepreneurship. The freedom that an individual develops to influence his or her work is a emerging theme in this study.
The change in technology over the past decade has provided new platforms for entrepreneurship. Being an entrepreneur, as well as entrepreneurship, are no longer tied to a physically determined place but it is possible to engage in entrepreneurship on social media for example, from their own home. The purpose of this Master's thesis is to get acquainted with the motives that individuals have expressed when engaging in entrepreneurship in social media. The aim of the research is to create an overview of what factors motivate to start entrepreneurship on social media. This is explored through the identification of the factors that gave rise to entrepreneurial intentions and self-efficaty. The main research question of the thesis is what have been the motives for entrepreneurship on social media. The theoretical part of the thesis is compiled from previous research on entrepreneurship intentions, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship research. In the theoretical part, motivation theories are reviewed from which Maslow´s hierarchy of needs, Frederick Herzberg´s two-factor theory, Victor Vroom´s expectancy theory and Douglas McGregos´s theory y and x were selected for this study. An empirical study was conducted by interviewing ten individuals engaged in entrepreneurship on social media. The results of the thesis show that freedom, the design of work and the opportunity to do work that interests the individual have served as a motivation for entrepreneurship on social media. The ability to identify one's own skills has also served as a motivation for entrepreneurship. The freedom that an individual develops to influence his or her work is a emerging theme in this study.
Main Author
Master thesis
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The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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