Explaining digital service users’ pursuit of value : a value co-creation and co-destruction perspective
In the era of digital services, services account for approximately 70% of the global economy. Service-dominant logic (SDL), as a lens for understanding services as value co-creation (VCC) processes, serves to elucidate how value can be derived from the use of digital services. However, the prior research in this area has tended to adopt a firm-centric or generic approach to designing and developing systems, paying less attention on the perspective of an individual user. Further, SDL tends to overlook the possibility of negative service outcomes following the use of such systems, that is, value co-destruction (VCD). Therefore, this dissertation investigates the phenomena of VCC and VCD through five qualitative studies. First, we conduct a meta-analysis of laddering interviews (n = 113) to examine service users’ hedonic and utilitarian drivers in relation to VCC behavior as well as to identify VCC mechanisms for digital service design. Using the interpretive structural modelling (ISM) approach, we show that VCC is contextually dependent and occurs in different ways depending on the digital service in question. Our findings also show that VCC is driven by both hedonic and utilitarian user values. Subsequently, we perform a structured literature review and propose a synthesized framework for the VCD process. The framework comprises two interrelated dimensions (i.e., VCD drivers and VCD interaction components) and their constituents, which occur at three temporal points of the service encounter. Further, we conduct an in-depth case study involving digital service users (n = 43) in the augmented reality mobile games context, thereby examining the users’ VCD experiences. We employ a hierarchical clustering analysis and propose the reasoning behind users’ VCD experiences. Subsequently, we conduct an ISM analysis to reveal the VCD process mechanisms that occur at four hierarchical levels. The proposed models of VCC and VCD contribute to both research and practice by offering new insights into the favorable and unfavorable aspects of services, shedding particular light on individual users’ service experiences. Linking the concepts of VCC and VCD, this dissertation extends the SDL framework with insights into the two distinct phenomena. Our findings may be harnessed in the design, development, and provision of digital services, thereby enhancing both the service experience and the derived value.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
Jyväskylän yliopisto
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https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-39-8447-2Use this for linking
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JYU Dissertations
Contains publications
- Artikkeli I: Tuunanen, T., Lintula, J., Vartiainen, T., Zhang, Y., and Myers, M. D. Valueco-creation mechanisms for digital service design. Under review.
- Artikkeli II: Tuunanen, T., Lintula, J., & Auvinen, A. (2019). Unboxing Co-creation of Value : Users’ Hedonic and Utilitarian Drivers. In Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2019) (pp. 1406-1415). University of Hawai'i at Manoa. DOI: 10.24251/hicss.2019.171
- Artikkeli III: Lintula, J, Tuunanen, T., and Salo, M. Understanding service actors’ valueco-destruction process: a structured literature review. Unpublished working paper.
- Artikkeli IV: Lintula, J., Tuunanen, T., Salo, M., & Myers, M. D. (2018). When Value Co-Creation Turns to Co-Destruction : Users' Experiences of Augmented Reality Mobile Games. In ICIS 2018 : Proceedings the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (pp. 1-17). Association for Information Systems (AIS). aisel.aisnet.org/icis2018/general/Presentations/2/
- Artikkeli V: Lintula, J., Tuunanen, T., Salo, M., Zhang, Y., and Myers, M. D. Value co-destruction mechanisms in augmented reality mobile games. Under review.
Copyright© The Author & University of Jyväskylä