Keski-Suomen kulttuuritoimintakokeilu tutkimuksena ja politiikkana
This action research has two aims: (1) to analyse and find methods a) for getting people in rural districts to participate in cultural activities and b) for improving the conditions in their villages and (2) to test the bill of cultural affairs on local level before it is passed in the Parliament. This research is based on the methodology of Kurt Lewin. The action research project took three years to complete. The material (postal enquiries, interviews, observation, documents) were collected in one urban and two rural districts in Central Finland and in four villages within these districts, control material was collected in one urban and two rural districts elsewhere in Finland. The results show that during the research project there was increased participation in cultural activities among the inhabitants in the observed districts. A general trend towards more cultural activities was observed during the project, though this was slightly less noticeable in the control areas. This study supports the findings of previous studies, i.e. parent's interest in cultural affairs, high social status, good education still seem to be factors that promote cultural interest whereas lack of cultural facilities, low social status and level of education were seen as non-favourable background. Furthermore women seemed to be more culturally active irrespective of their background. This project showed clearly that when culture was made accessible to people this also increased their participation. In closer analysis of the factors that increased people's activity and initiative in general it was found out that co-operation and interaction between the inhabitants in the village was a major factor. There was more participation in villages where the inhabitants were engaged in social interaction and in villages where, in addition to cultural activities, also other improvements were made.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
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Published in
Jyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research