Eysenckin persoonallisuuskyselyn ja Zuckermanin elämyshakuisuusasteikon faktorirakenteet ja pisteitys Suomessa

According to the Eysenckian personality theory, extraversion (E), neuroticism (N) and psychoticism (P) are the fundamental personality dimensions which emerge in many different cultures. These dimensions have been assessed by the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire comprising four scales: E, N, P and a Lie (L) scale. The sensation-seeking trait, based on Zuckerman's theory, has also been studied in various cultures. The Sensation Seeking Scale (Form V) consists of four subscales: Thrill and Adventure Seeking (TAS), Experience Seeking (ES), Disinhibition (Dis) and Boredom Susceptibility (BS). The four-factor structure has emerged in many countries. The objective of the present study was to ascertain whether Eysenck's dimensions and Zuckerman's sensation-seeking factors would be found in Finland and what kind of scoring keys could be constructed for the scales. In addition, normative data for male and female groups was gathered in order to introduce the questionnaires in Finland. The factor analyses of the personality questionnaires were carried out applying two different methods, of which the orthogonal rotation of the factors is scrutinized in this report. The questionnaires were completed by 463 women and 504 men. The Finnish analyses of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire yielded the factors P, E, N and L. The men scored higher on P and lower on L than the women. The P factor was interpreted as a scale measuring indifference to norms, antisocial tendencies and emotional bluntness. The L scale seemed to relate to conscientiousness and conforming to norms. The content and interpretation of the E and N scales corresponded to the results of previous studies. Three factors, TAS, ES and Dis, emerged in the factor analyses of Zuckerman's Sensation Seeking Scale. The men obtained higher scores on TAS and Dis but lower scores on ES than the women. The total Sensation Seeking score was also higher for the men. P and E correlated strongly and positively with sensation seeking. Hence, the present study confirmed the assumption about the relationship between Eysenck's dimensions and sensation seeking. As regards the sex differences on the scales, the results agreed well with previous findings. The study made the use of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and Zuckerman's Sensation Seeking Scale (Form V) feasible in Finland.
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Books Book
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Jyväskylän yliopisto. Psykologian laitos. Julkaisuja
In CopyrightOpen Access
