Kerromme kuulevien koulusta : viittomakielisenä oppilaana yleisopetuksessa
Nykyään monet kuurot ja huonokuuloiset oppilaat integroidaan
yleisopetukseen. Osa integroiduista lapsista on viittomakielisiä, joiden
näkökulmaa integraatiosta ei ole aiemmin Suomessa tutkittu. Tutkimuksessa
selvitettiin, millaista on käydä koulua yleisopetuksessa viittomakielen tulkin
kanssa integroituneen viittomakielisen koululaisen näkökulmasta.
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan viittomakielisten lasten kaksikielistä
integraatiota kokonaisvaltaisesti kahden tapauksen pohjalta. Aihetta
lähestytään elämänkerrallisella ja narratiivisella metodilla, jolloin tämän
tutkimuksen kohteena on kouluaikoinaan 90-luvulla 6:nnella luokalla
yleisopetukseen integroitunut tämän tutkimuksen tekijä ja 6-luokkalainen
ensimmäiseltä luokalta lähtien yleisopetukseen integroitunut viittomakielinen
Tutkimuksessa osoittautui, että viittomakielen tulkkaus on välttämätöntä
integraation onnistumisessa. Positiiviset sosiaaliset suhteet ovat keskeisiä
integraation mielekkääksi kokemisessa. Luokkatovereiden vähäisetkin
viittomakielentaidot koetaan tärkeäksi. Läheisillä ystävillä on ratkaiseva
merkitys luokkayhteisöön sopeutumisessa. Viittomakielisellä yhteisöllä,
omakielisillä vertaistovereilla ja perheellä on suuri merkitys vahvan itsetunnon
ja identiteetin rakentumisessa. Erityis- ja yleisopetuksessa nähdään olevan eri
funktiot. Erityisopetuksessa korostuvat omakielinen kulttuuri ja
viittomakielisen yhteisön sisäinen tieto omakielisestä ympäristöstä ja
vertaistovereista johtuen. Yleisopetuksessa saadaan usein parempaa opetusta,
mutta puutteelliset sosiaaliset suhteet ovat usein ongelmana.
Viittomakieliset ovat myös transnationaalinen yhteisö, johon kasvetaan.
Tutkimuksen koululaisella on jo kokemuksia kansainvälisistä kohtaamisista ja
yhdessäolosta. Viittomakielisen lapsen integraatiossa tulisi tukea
viittomakielisen lapsen kaksi/monikielisen - ja kulttuurisen identiteetin
omaksumista ja kehitystä.
Today, many deaf and hard-of-hearing children are now educated in public schools instead of special schools. Some of them are native signers whose perspective of mainstreaming has not been studied in Finland until now. The task of this case study was to explore and describe how it is like to attend public school as a native signer with sign language interpreters. This study consists of autobiographical, narrative and ethnographical approaches of bilingual mainstreaming. There are two cases in this study: the researcher who had been mainstreamed after reaching 6th grade and a pupil who has been mainstreamed since infancy and is currently in 6th grade. The results are as following: sign language interpretation is necessary to accomplish the mainstream concept. Positive social relationships are essential as a part of the integration. The peers' skills in sign language, even weak, are seen as important. Intimate friends at a school have a great significance in adapting to the class community. The community of native signers, peers of same mother tongue, and families have a crucial role in developing a native signer's identity and self esteem. Special schools and public schools are seen to have different functions. Inner knowledge and culture of native signers are present in special schools because of peers and teachers who share the same mother tongue and the signing environment. Education at public schools is better, but inadequate social relationships were often a problem. Deaf and native signers' community is also a worldwide community. The growth and development of transnational/cosmopolitan identity is a part of native signers' identity in general. The pupil in this study has already received experiences of linking with native signers in foreign countries. According to this point of this view, educators should support the development of transnational identity of the native signer in order to improve their integration in the globalized society.
Today, many deaf and hard-of-hearing children are now educated in public schools instead of special schools. Some of them are native signers whose perspective of mainstreaming has not been studied in Finland until now. The task of this case study was to explore and describe how it is like to attend public school as a native signer with sign language interpreters. This study consists of autobiographical, narrative and ethnographical approaches of bilingual mainstreaming. There are two cases in this study: the researcher who had been mainstreamed after reaching 6th grade and a pupil who has been mainstreamed since infancy and is currently in 6th grade. The results are as following: sign language interpretation is necessary to accomplish the mainstream concept. Positive social relationships are essential as a part of the integration. The peers' skills in sign language, even weak, are seen as important. Intimate friends at a school have a great significance in adapting to the class community. The community of native signers, peers of same mother tongue, and families have a crucial role in developing a native signer's identity and self esteem. Special schools and public schools are seen to have different functions. Inner knowledge and culture of native signers are present in special schools because of peers and teachers who share the same mother tongue and the signing environment. Education at public schools is better, but inadequate social relationships were often a problem. Deaf and native signers' community is also a worldwide community. The growth and development of transnational/cosmopolitan identity is a part of native signers' identity in general. The pupil in this study has already received experiences of linking with native signers in foreign countries. According to this point of this view, educators should support the development of transnational identity of the native signer in order to improve their integration in the globalized society.
Main Author
Master thesis
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