The role of language in integration: a longitudinal study of migrant parents’ trajectories
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JYU DissertationsTekijät
© The Author & University of Jyväskylä
This study is an ethnographically oriented longitudinal exploration of the
language learning and integration trajectories of eight migrant parents. The study
offers a unique perspective on how migrant parents’ varied language resources
are received and evaluated in Finland. The study focuses specifically on how
proficiency in English attained pre-migration affected participants’ processes of
language learning and integration. The study seeks to understand the fluid and
situational nature of language learning and use in various contexts. This study
adopts a translingual practice approach to language informed by research on
English as a (multi)lingua franca (ELF) and investment in language learning. The
study comprises three sub-studies and an overview. The participants were eight
migrant parents, two senior and five junior nurses working at Finnish family
clinics. The data was collected between 2015 and 2019, and consists of interviews
with the migrant parents and family clinic representatives. Sub-study 1 focuses
on the parents’ experiences of inclusion and exclusion shaped by language use
during their initial period of settlement in Finland. In Sub-study 2, the concept of
investment is employed to explore how two migrant parents narrativize their
language learning and integration trajectories, and how their investment in
language learning has contributed to more satisfactory working-life integration.
Sub-study 3 sheds light on how family clinic nurses categorize their migrant
clients based on the clients’ perceived proficiency in English and whether this
conforms to the native speaker norm. This study shows that being able to use
English is helpful at the beginning of a person’s stay in Finland. However, the
findings highlight the fact that in order to feel that they are integrated and, above
all, to achieve professional satisfaction, migrants need to develop proficiency in
the local language. In addition, the study shows how strongly native speaker
ideology is reflected in the evaluation of foreigners’ language proficiency. The
study therefore has important practical implications for both general education
and for the training of various professionals, such as teachers and family clinic
Keywords: ethnography, English as a lingua franca, family clinic, immigrant,
investment, language learning, migrant, native speaker ideology, stay-at-home
Jyväskylän yliopistoISBN
978-951-39-8306-2ISSN Hae Julkaisufoorumista
2489-9003Julkaisuun sisältyy osajulkaisuja
- Artikkeli I: Iikkanen, P. (2017). The use of language in migrant stay-at-home parents’ process of integration : Experiences of inclusion and exclusion. Apples : Journal of Applied Language Studies, 11 (3), 121-142. DOI: 10.17011/apples/urn.201712104587
- Artikkeli II: Iikkanen, Päivi (2019). Migrant women, work, and investment in language learning : Two success stories. Applied Linguistics Review, DOI: 10.1515/applirev-2019-0052
- Artikkeli III: Iikkanen, Päivi (2019) ELF and migrant categorization at family clinics in Finland. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 8 (1), 97-123. DOI: 10.1515/jelf-2019-2006
kielenkäyttö sosiolingvistiikka vanhemmat kotiäidit neuvolat maahanmuuttajat siirtolaiset suomen kieli kielen oppiminen kielen omaksuminen kielitaito kotoutuminen (maahanmuuttajat) englannin kieli lingua francat ethnography English as a lingua franca family clinic immigrant investment language learning migrant native speaker ideology stay-at-home parent
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- JYU Dissertations [871]
- Väitöskirjat [3602]
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