Mathematical foundations of the eigenvalue problem in quantum mechanics
Työssä tarkastellaan kvanttiteorian ominaisarvo-ongelman matemaattisia perusteita asettamalla vaatimuksia Hilbertin avaruudelle. Työ seuraa läheisesti John von Neumannin käsittelyä kirjassa ’’Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics’’. Vaatimukset Hilbert avaruudelle, sekä niistä seuraavat teoreemat, on yhteenvedetty lyhyesti. Aiheen käsittelyssä keskitytään Hilbert-avaruuden geometriaan, johon ominaisarvo-ongelman muodostaminen pohjautuu. Lopuksi käsitellään esimerkkiä äärettömän syvästä potentiaalikuopasta, jonka kautta nähdään tarve kvanttiteorian määritelmien ja teoreemien korrektille ymmärtämiselle.
The mathematical foundations of the quantum theory are recapitulated up to the formulation of the time-independent eigenvalue problem. The work follows closely to that of John von Neumann in his book the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics. The requirements set for the Hilbert space and the ensuing theorems are summarized in a prompt manner. The greatest effort is used up in addressing the geometry of Hilbert space. With the theory thus far developed, an overlook into the proper formulation of the eigenvalue problem is stated. The work finishes with an example of the eigenvalue problem in an infinitely deep potential well. The example points out the need of proper understanding of the development of the quantum theory.
The mathematical foundations of the quantum theory are recapitulated up to the formulation of the time-independent eigenvalue problem. The work follows closely to that of John von Neumann in his book the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics. The requirements set for the Hilbert space and the ensuing theorems are summarized in a prompt manner. The greatest effort is used up in addressing the geometry of Hilbert space. With the theory thus far developed, an overlook into the proper formulation of the eigenvalue problem is stated. The work finishes with an example of the eigenvalue problem in an infinitely deep potential well. The example points out the need of proper understanding of the development of the quantum theory.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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