Videoiden merkitys yritysten sisällöntuotannon välineenä sosiaalisessa mediassa
Video kehittyy mediana jatkuvasti ja sosiaalisessa mediassa sen merkitys kas- vaa ja käyttömahdollisuudet lisääntyvät. Tässä tutkimuksessa keskitytään siihen, kuinka yritykset voivat hyödyntää videoita sisällöntuotannossaan sosiaalisessa mediassa ja millaisia hyötyjä videoista yrityksille on. Tavallisten julkaisu- jen lisäksi tutkitaan myös striimi- ja tarina-tyyppisiä videojulkaisuja, jotka löytyvät monesta suurimmasta sosiaalisen median kanavasta.
Tuloksissa kävi ilmi, että videon antamat hyödyt sisällöntuotannossa liityvät paljon suhteeseen asiakkaan ja yrityksen välillä. Videot auttavat luomaan asiakkaalle positiivisia asenteita yrityksestä ja vahvistamaan asiakkaan sitoutumista yritykseen ja brändiin. Video vahvistaa asiakkaan ja yrityksen välistä suhdetta paremmin verrattuna esimerkiksi kirjoitettuun mediaan. Yhden sisällöntuotannon tärkeimmistä tavoitteista ollessa vahvan suhteen luominen asiakkaaseen, voidaan todeta, että video toimii hyvänä työkaluna sisällöntuotannossa. Videot toimivat myös yritykselle keinona rakentaa brändiä ja esimerkiksi striimi-videota käytetään oman brändin rakennukseen, mutta suora lähetys tuo spontaanin luonteensa myötä mukanaan myös riskejä. Brändin maineen ollessa vaarassa, on video sosiaalisessa yksi parhaita keinoja vastata kriisitilanteisiin, mikäli yritys sellaiseen joutuu.
Aiempaa tutkimusta löytyy striimi-videosta, mutta sosiaalisessa mediassa viime vuosina yleistynyt tarina-julkaisu ja sen mahdollisuudet videoalustana kaipaa lisätutkimusta.
Video is constantly evolving as a medium and its importance and uses are inc- reasing. This research focuses on how companies can make use of videos in their content marketing and what kind of benefits does using videos give for a company. In addition to regular posts on social media this research also takes a look at live-stream and story-posts which are found in many of the biggest social media platforms. The results tell that the benefits of videos for content marketing have a lot to do with the relationship building between a customer and a company. Videos help to create positive attitudes about the company and strengthen the custo- mers’ engagement towards the company and the brand. Video strengthens the relationship between customer and company better than for example a written medium. As one of the biggest goals for content marketing is to create a strong relationship to the customer it can be stated that video functions as a good tool for content marketing. Video is also a way for a company to build their brand and for example live-stream videos are used for personal brand building but the spontaneous nature of live broadcasts brings some risks. If the reputation of a brand is in danger video is one of the best ways for a company to respond to a crisis situation should they ever find themselves in one. Previous research can be found about live-stream videos but the story- posts that have been getting more common over the last few years and their possibilities as a video platform still need more research.
Video is constantly evolving as a medium and its importance and uses are inc- reasing. This research focuses on how companies can make use of videos in their content marketing and what kind of benefits does using videos give for a company. In addition to regular posts on social media this research also takes a look at live-stream and story-posts which are found in many of the biggest social media platforms. The results tell that the benefits of videos for content marketing have a lot to do with the relationship building between a customer and a company. Videos help to create positive attitudes about the company and strengthen the custo- mers’ engagement towards the company and the brand. Video strengthens the relationship between customer and company better than for example a written medium. As one of the biggest goals for content marketing is to create a strong relationship to the customer it can be stated that video functions as a good tool for content marketing. Video is also a way for a company to build their brand and for example live-stream videos are used for personal brand building but the spontaneous nature of live broadcasts brings some risks. If the reputation of a brand is in danger video is one of the best ways for a company to respond to a crisis situation should they ever find themselves in one. Previous research can be found about live-stream videos but the story- posts that have been getting more common over the last few years and their possibilities as a video platform still need more research.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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