Aistisuus, kehollisuus ja dialogisuus : Ludwig Feuerbachin filosofian lähtökohtia ja niiden kehitysnäkymiä 1900-luvun antropologisesti suuntautuneessa fenomenologiassa
The goal of Ludwig Feuerbach was to create an anthropologically oriented 'new philosophy'. It was based on criticism of the traditional philosophy, mainly the German idealism. In the background, Feuerbach also had the traditions of philosophical anthropology and philosophy of life. The purpose of this research is to examine Feuerbach' s new principles in the specific situation in the history of philosophy they were created. Feuerbach's philosophy is an anthropology charakterized by philosophy of life; its object is man in relation to his everyday life. He examines that relation through concepts (he has given new meanings to): sensuousness, bodiliness and I-Thou. Through the concepts of sensuousness and bodiliness, Feuerbach criticizes the concept created by Descartes of the subject and his relation to the world where the spiritual I is separated from everything material, both from his own body and the world. Man's sensuous relation to the world, according to Feuerbach, is a wholeness, indifferent as to the spiritual and material. The theory of the dialogical relationship between the I and Thou involves the fundamental connection of every I with the other men. Also this idea includes criticism of transcendental philosophy: the I and Thou constitute each other. In this research the aim is to show that the above mentioned basic concepts are closely connected and they form a whole. Furthermore, Feuerbach's leading ideas are compared with the parallel ideas presented by e.g. M. Scheler, M. Merleau-Ponty, H. Plessner and M. Buber, in the theoretical background of which lie the philosophies of especially Dilthey, Husserl and Heidegger. As to the basic principles, a strong connection between Feuerbach and many of the anthropologically oriented phenomenologists has been found in this research. Among the connection principles are, above all, the anthropological wholeness of the subject (sensuousness, bodiliness and objective body) and the phenomenological concept of world.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
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Jyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research