The Role of Accounting in the Development of Current Care Guidelines
Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia laskentatoimen roolia käyvän hoidon suosituksien laadintaprosessissa. Tutkimuksessa haetaan vastauksia siihen, kuinka laskentatoimea ja sen metodeja sovelletaan suomalaisessa käyvän hoidon suosituksien laadintaprosessissa. Tämän lisäksi tutkimus pyrkii selvittämään laskentatoimen käytön laajuutta, sekä käyttöön liittyviä haasteita. Kyseinen tutkimusaihe on verrattain uusi, ja tämän vuoksi kyseisestä aiheesta on olemassa vain vähän tutkimusta. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu sellaisten terveydenhuollon laskennan ja johtamisen teorioiden ympärille, jotka keskittyvät terveydenhuollon laskemiseen sekä standardointiin. Lisäksi teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä esitellään myös Iso-Britannian käyvän hoidon suosituksien kehittämisprosessia, jota vertaillaan myös suomalaiseen kehitysprosessiin. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin teemahaastatteluin yhteensä kuutta eri asiantuntijaa, jotka edustavat sekä terveydenhuollon että terveystaloustieteen ammattilaisia suomalaisesta terveydenhuollosta. Haastattelut analysoitiin sisällönanalyysillä. Haastattelujen lisäksi tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin myös haastateltavien toimittamia asiakirjoja aiheeseen liittyen. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin esimerkkitapauksena nivelreuman käyvän hoidon suositusta.
Tulosten perusteella laskentatoimen rooli suomalaisissa käyvän hoidon suositusten kehittämisessä on vähäistä johtuen kustannustiedon systemaattisen käytön puutteesta laadintaprosessin aikana. Laskentatoimen käytön laajuuden kohdalla avainasemassa ovat hoitosuositusten kehitysryhmät, joilla on itsenäinen rooli suosituksien kehittämisessä. Laskentatoimen käyttöä ja sen laajuutta rajoittavat lisäksi muun muassa lainsäädäntö, rahoitus sekä terveydenhuollon ammattikunnan halukkuus käyttämiseen.
The purpose of this master's thesis is to study the role of accounting in developing Finnish current care recommendations. The study seeks to find out the role and the extent of the use of accounting in the design of Finnish CCGs. Also, this master’s thesis seeks to find out what accounting methods are used as well as whether there are any challenges related to the use of accounting methods. The research topic is relatively new and therefore there is little research on this topic. The theoretical framework of the study is built around theories of healthcare calculation and management. More specifically, the literature focuses on both healthcare calculation and healthcare standardisation. In addition, the theoretical framework also presents the United Kingdom’s guideline development process, and a comparison is made with the Finnish practice. For the study, a total of six different experts, representing both healthcare and health economics professionals from the Finnish healthcare context, were interviewed through semi-structured interviews. The interviews were analysed with content analysis. A case, rheumatoid arthritis, was also used to examine the use of accounting more specifically. According to the findings of this study, accounting currently plays a minor role in the design of the Finnish CCGs. A systematic use of cost information is lacking as responsibility of the guideline development is currently on the guideline development groups (GDGs). The role and the use of accounting are also limited by Finnish legislation, financing and the willingness of the healthcare profession to use accounting in the development process of current care guidelines. The results of this thesis aim to produce new information on Finnish healthcare standardisation efforts from an accounting perspective.
The purpose of this master's thesis is to study the role of accounting in developing Finnish current care recommendations. The study seeks to find out the role and the extent of the use of accounting in the design of Finnish CCGs. Also, this master’s thesis seeks to find out what accounting methods are used as well as whether there are any challenges related to the use of accounting methods. The research topic is relatively new and therefore there is little research on this topic. The theoretical framework of the study is built around theories of healthcare calculation and management. More specifically, the literature focuses on both healthcare calculation and healthcare standardisation. In addition, the theoretical framework also presents the United Kingdom’s guideline development process, and a comparison is made with the Finnish practice. For the study, a total of six different experts, representing both healthcare and health economics professionals from the Finnish healthcare context, were interviewed through semi-structured interviews. The interviews were analysed with content analysis. A case, rheumatoid arthritis, was also used to examine the use of accounting more specifically. According to the findings of this study, accounting currently plays a minor role in the design of the Finnish CCGs. A systematic use of cost information is lacking as responsibility of the guideline development is currently on the guideline development groups (GDGs). The role and the use of accounting are also limited by Finnish legislation, financing and the willingness of the healthcare profession to use accounting in the development process of current care guidelines. The results of this thesis aim to produce new information on Finnish healthcare standardisation efforts from an accounting perspective.
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Master thesis
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