Seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöjen syrjintäkokemukset liikunnassa ja urheilussa
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisia syrjintäkokemuksia seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöillä oli liikunnassa ja urheilussa. Tutkimuksen tein laadullisena ja valitsin fenomenologis-hermeneuttisen tutkimusotteen. Tutkimusaineistoa työstin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä. Tämän tutkimuksen aineisto on osa suurempaa aineistoa, joka on kerätty vuonna 2011 verkkokyselynä. Verkkokyselyyn johtanutta linkkiä jaettiin yli 40 yhteistyöorganisaation kautta. Oma tutkimusaineistoni koostui verkkokyselyn avointen kysymysten vastauksista. Tietoteknisistä syistä johtuen avointen vastausten pituus oli rajoitettu 1024 merkkiin. Merkkimääränä 1024 on vähän ja se on osaltaan vaikuttanut vastausten muotoon. Lopullinen aineisto koostui 45 vastauksesta. Aineiston koko oli seitsemän sivua ja 1800 sanaa fontin ollessa Times New Roman, koko 12 ja riviväli 1,5. Vastaajia oli 37, joista kolme kuuluivat sukupuolivähemmistöön. Nuorin vastanneista oli 16-vuotias ja vanhimmat 50-vuotiaita.
Vastauksissa ilmenneet syrjimiskokemukset muodostivat kuusi pääluokkaa, joita olivat stereotypiat, ulkopuolelle sulkeminen, katseet, sanallinen syrjintä, seksuaalinen häirintä ja fyysinen väkivalta. Stereotypiat syrjinnässä tarkoittivat esimerkiksi sitä, että pallopelejä pelaavan naisen oletetaan olevan homoseksuaalinen tai että mies osaa tanssia koska on homoseksuaalinen. Toinen luokka koski sosiaalisia suhteita ja muutoksia niissä, kun muille paljastui, että tutkimukseen osallistunut kuului seksuaali- tai sukupuolivähemmistöön. Se aiheutti esimerkiksi välien katkaisun tai vastaajan välttelyä. Joskus pääsy pukuhuoneeseen samaan aikaan muiden kanssa saatettiin estää. Katseilla oli iso merkitys pukuhuoneessa. Vähemmistöön kuuluvat olivat suurennuslasin alla pukutiloissa, jotta he eivät pääsisi ”tirkistelemään” muita. Verbaalinen syrjintä sisälsi haukkumista sekä sen lisäksi vähemmistöistä kerrotut vitsit oli koettu loukkaavina. Seksuaalisen ahdistelun kohteeksi kuntosalilla ja saunassa oli joutunut yksi vastaajista ja yksi oli joutunut pahoinpidellyksi pukuhuoneessa.
Saadut tutkimustulokset olivat linjassa aikaisempien tutkimusten kanssa ja syrjinnän muodot liikunnan ja urheilun kentällä eivät juurikaan eroa syrjinnästä muilla elämän osa-alueilla. Liikuntaan kuitenkin liittyy olennaisena osana vaatteiden vaihto ja suihkussa käynti, mikä oli koettu hankalaksi.
The aim of this study was to find out what kind of discrimination experiences sexual and gender minorities have had in the field of sports. The research was performed by using qualitative practice and hermeneutic phenomenological research method. The method used was data-oriented content analysis. The research material used in this study is a part of an other bigger study. The material was collected using an online survey in 2011. The link of the survey was shared by over 40 organizations. The data I used were answers to open field questions in the online survey. Due to technical restrictions, the space for the answer was limited to only 1024 characters. Final data included 45 answers. Data was seven pages with Times New Roman, text size 12 and 1,5 line spacing. The study included 37 participants and three of them belonged to sexual minorities. In the research data there was a much bigger proportion of answers from sexual minorities compared to gender minorities. The participants´ ages were between 16 and 50 years. I put together six main categories from the research data of how the discrimination had shown. The Six categories were stereotypes, avoidance and segregation, glances, spoken words, sexual harassment and physical assault. Stereotypes in discrimination meant for example that women who played ball games were assumed to be gay or bisexual or men would know how to dance because they were gay. Second category was about the relationships and how they changed when others got to know about responder belonging into a sexual or a gender minority. This could have resulted in relationships coming to an end or avoidance. Sometimes entry to the locker room with others were denied. Glances was the third category, especially looks and gazes in the locker rooms or in the showers. Minorities felt that they were under the microscope by others while changing, others wanted to make sure that no one would “peep”. Spoken words involved slurs and jokes towards minorities. One respondent had experienced sexual harassment at the gym, and one was physically assaulted in a locker room. The findings were consistent with earlier findings. There was not much difference in the manner of discrimination in sports compared to discrimination in other fields of life. Changing clothes and washing up is an essential part of sports and that part was found to be challenging to sexual and gender minorities.
The aim of this study was to find out what kind of discrimination experiences sexual and gender minorities have had in the field of sports. The research was performed by using qualitative practice and hermeneutic phenomenological research method. The method used was data-oriented content analysis. The research material used in this study is a part of an other bigger study. The material was collected using an online survey in 2011. The link of the survey was shared by over 40 organizations. The data I used were answers to open field questions in the online survey. Due to technical restrictions, the space for the answer was limited to only 1024 characters. Final data included 45 answers. Data was seven pages with Times New Roman, text size 12 and 1,5 line spacing. The study included 37 participants and three of them belonged to sexual minorities. In the research data there was a much bigger proportion of answers from sexual minorities compared to gender minorities. The participants´ ages were between 16 and 50 years. I put together six main categories from the research data of how the discrimination had shown. The Six categories were stereotypes, avoidance and segregation, glances, spoken words, sexual harassment and physical assault. Stereotypes in discrimination meant for example that women who played ball games were assumed to be gay or bisexual or men would know how to dance because they were gay. Second category was about the relationships and how they changed when others got to know about responder belonging into a sexual or a gender minority. This could have resulted in relationships coming to an end or avoidance. Sometimes entry to the locker room with others were denied. Glances was the third category, especially looks and gazes in the locker rooms or in the showers. Minorities felt that they were under the microscope by others while changing, others wanted to make sure that no one would “peep”. Spoken words involved slurs and jokes towards minorities. One respondent had experienced sexual harassment at the gym, and one was physically assaulted in a locker room. The findings were consistent with earlier findings. There was not much difference in the manner of discrimination in sports compared to discrimination in other fields of life. Changing clothes and washing up is an essential part of sports and that part was found to be challenging to sexual and gender minorities.
Main Author
Master thesis
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