RAN and learning disabilities : is there a special connection between mathematical difficulties and rapid automatized naming?
Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin, onko matematiikan vaikeuksista (MV) kärsivillä lapsilla, myös ongelmia nopean sarjallisen nimeämisen (RAN) testissä. Tämän lisäksi tarkasteltiin, vaikuttaako matematiikan sujuvuusvaikeuden vakavuusaste numeroiden, kirjainten ja esineiden ongelmien määrään RAN-testissä. Aikaisemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että RAN on merkittävä ennustaja matemaattisille kyvyille, mutta ymmärrys matematiikan ja RAN:n välisestä yhteydestä on edelleen epäjohdonmukainen, ja RAN:n yhteyttä matematiikkaan ei ole myöskään tutkittu paljon niillä lapsilla, joilla on MV. Lisäksi tutkittiin, liittyykö RAN matematiikan ongelmiin vain silloin, kun MV:n kanssa esiintyy päällekkäisyyttä lukemisen vaikeuksien (LV) kanssa, vai liittyykö nimeämisongelma myös puhtaaseen matemaattiseen ongelmaan. Tutkimusotos perustuu suomalaiseen kliiniseen aineistoon, ja tutkimukseen valikoitui 336 lasta. Otos jaettiin ryhmiin matematiikan ja lukemisen sujuvuustestien sekä RAN-tehtävien (numerot, kirjaimet ja esineet) pisteiden perusteella. Havaittiin, että RAN-ongelmat ovat yleisiä lapsilla, joilla on MV; 43.94 %:lla oli ongelmia RAN-numeroissa, 50.89 %:lla oli ongelmia RAN-kirjaimissa ja 49.19 %:lla esiintyi ongelmia RAN-esineissä. Tämä määrä on selvästi enemmän kuin väestöllisesti odotettu 7 % (raja-arvona käytettiin 1.5 KH vertailuryhmän keskiarvon alapuolella). Tämä tulos viittaa siihen, että huono matemaattinen sujuvuus on yhteydessä huonoon suoritukseen RAN-tehtävissä. Ristiintaulukointi ja χ2-testi paljastivat, että ne lapset, joilla oli vakavampaa matematiikan sujuvuuden vaikeutta (määritettiin, mikäli matematiikan sujuvuustestin z-pistemäärä oli alle -2.5 KH) oli myös enemmän ongelmia RAN-numeroissa ja -kirjaimissa verrattuna lapsiin, joilla oli lievempää matematiikan sujuvuuden vaikeutta (määritettiin, mikäli matematiikan sujuvuustestin z-pistemäärä oli -2.5 KH:n ja -1.5 KH:n välillä). Tilastollisesti merkitsevää yhteyttä ei löytynyt MV:n vakavuuden ja RAN-esineiden välillä, vaikkakin tulos oli lähellä merkitsevyyttä. Tämä havainto voi tarkoittaa sitä, että kirjoitettujen symbolien (numeroiden ja kirjainten) nimeämisongelmat viittaavat vaikeampiin matemaattisiin ongelmiin. Ongelmat esineiden nimeämisessä puolestaan ovat yhteydessä eritasoisiin matematiikan vaikeuksiin, joten esineiden nimeämisen testi ei näyttäisi erottelevan MV:n eri vakavuustasoja. Tulokset osoittivat myös, että niillä lapsilla, joilla oli sekä MV että LV, oli myös enemmän ongelmia RAN-numeroissa ja -kirjaimissa mutta ei RAN-esineissä. Näyttäisi siltä, että komorbiditeetti lisää ongelmia RAN-numeroissa ja -kirjaimissa, mutta ei RAN-esineissä. Nämä havainnot voidaan tulkita siten, että RAN-esinetehtävien suorittaminen vaatii jonkinlaisia kognitiivisia lisäprosesseja, jotka ovat keskeisiä matematiikan ongelmissa, joko LV:n kanssa tai ilman. On ehdotettu, että yksi tällainen lisäprosessi voisi olla kyky palauttaa mieleen käsitteellistä tietoa muistista ja lapset, joilla on MV, saattavat osoittaa ongelmia juuri tässä lisäprosessissa. Kaiken kaikkiaan RAN voisi olla hyödyllinen työkalu tutkittaessa kognitiivisia prosesseja, jotka liittyvät yksinomaan MV:iin, LV:iin sekä komorbidiryhmään. Tämä puolestaan voisi auttaa räätälöimään interventio-ohjelmia sekä yksittäisiin oppimisvaikeuksiin että komorbidi häiriöihin.
This study examined whether children with mathematical difficulties (MD) show poor performance in rapid automatized naming (RAN), and whether the severity of the MD is associated with RAN performances. Previous studies have shown that RAN is a significant predictor for mathematical abilities, but the understanding of the association between mathematics and RAN are still inconsistent, and not a lot of research has investigated the relationship between RAN and mathematics in children with MD. In addition, this study researched whether RAN is related to math problems only when there is an overlapping reading difficulty or are deficits in rapid serial naming also related to the single MD. In the current study, 336 children from a Finnish clinical database were divided into groups, based on their scores on mathematical and reading fluency measures, and RAN tasks (numbers, letters, and objects). This study found that RAN deficits are very common among children with MD; 43.94% had a RAN numbers deficit, 50.89% had a RAN letters deficit and 49.19% exhibited a deficit in RAN objects. This is clearly more than the expected 7% in a normative sample (with a cutoff score of 1.5 SD below the reference group mean). This finding suggests that poor mathematical fluency is related to poor RAN task performance. Cross-tabulation and χ2 test revealed that children with severe MD (mathematical fluency test z-score below -2.5 SD) were more likely to have a deficit in RAN numbers and letters than children who had moderate MD (mathematical fluency test z-score between -2.5 SD and -1.5 SD). The severity of the MD was not statistically significantly associated with the performance of the RAN objects task, although it approached significance. This finding suggests that deficits in naming written symbols (numbers and letters) indicate more difficult problems in math. The deficit of naming objects seems to be associated with different levels of math difficulties, indicating that this task is not able to differentiate between different severity levels in MD. The last cross-tabulation and χ2 test showed that children with MD+RD were more likely to have a deficit in RAN numbers and letters than children with the single MD. Differently, children with both MD and RD, and children with the single MD did not differ statistically significantly in their RAN objects performance. These results showed that comorbid RD increases the number of children having deficits in RAN numbers and letters. In contrast, object naming seems to require some additional process that are central in math difficulties with or without comorbid reading difficulties. This additional process could be the ability recall conceptual information from memory, and children with MD might show problems in this additional process. Overall, RAN could be a useful tool in pinpointing what are the cognitive processes behind single MD and RD and the comorbid MD+RD. This could help to tailor intervention programs for both the isolated learning disabilities and for the comorbid type.
This study examined whether children with mathematical difficulties (MD) show poor performance in rapid automatized naming (RAN), and whether the severity of the MD is associated with RAN performances. Previous studies have shown that RAN is a significant predictor for mathematical abilities, but the understanding of the association between mathematics and RAN are still inconsistent, and not a lot of research has investigated the relationship between RAN and mathematics in children with MD. In addition, this study researched whether RAN is related to math problems only when there is an overlapping reading difficulty or are deficits in rapid serial naming also related to the single MD. In the current study, 336 children from a Finnish clinical database were divided into groups, based on their scores on mathematical and reading fluency measures, and RAN tasks (numbers, letters, and objects). This study found that RAN deficits are very common among children with MD; 43.94% had a RAN numbers deficit, 50.89% had a RAN letters deficit and 49.19% exhibited a deficit in RAN objects. This is clearly more than the expected 7% in a normative sample (with a cutoff score of 1.5 SD below the reference group mean). This finding suggests that poor mathematical fluency is related to poor RAN task performance. Cross-tabulation and χ2 test revealed that children with severe MD (mathematical fluency test z-score below -2.5 SD) were more likely to have a deficit in RAN numbers and letters than children who had moderate MD (mathematical fluency test z-score between -2.5 SD and -1.5 SD). The severity of the MD was not statistically significantly associated with the performance of the RAN objects task, although it approached significance. This finding suggests that deficits in naming written symbols (numbers and letters) indicate more difficult problems in math. The deficit of naming objects seems to be associated with different levels of math difficulties, indicating that this task is not able to differentiate between different severity levels in MD. The last cross-tabulation and χ2 test showed that children with MD+RD were more likely to have a deficit in RAN numbers and letters than children with the single MD. Differently, children with both MD and RD, and children with the single MD did not differ statistically significantly in their RAN objects performance. These results showed that comorbid RD increases the number of children having deficits in RAN numbers and letters. In contrast, object naming seems to require some additional process that are central in math difficulties with or without comorbid reading difficulties. This additional process could be the ability recall conceptual information from memory, and children with MD might show problems in this additional process. Overall, RAN could be a useful tool in pinpointing what are the cognitive processes behind single MD and RD and the comorbid MD+RD. This could help to tailor intervention programs for both the isolated learning disabilities and for the comorbid type.
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Master thesis
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