This is just the beginning : an interview study about Finnish food sector's material efficiency commitment
Globaali ilmastonmuutos ja sidosryhmäpaineet saavat yritykset etsimään parempia tapoja toimia ja käyttää materiaaleja. Green dealit ja muut vapaaehtoiset ympäristösopimukset ovat yksi tapa sopia yhdessä asioista, asettaa tavoitteita ja saavuttaa tuloksia ilman lainsäädäntöä. Vuonna 2019 Suomessa käynnistettiin ensimmäinen kansallinen vapaaehtoinen materiaalitehokkuuden sitoumus koskien elintarvikealaa mukaan lukien pakkaukset ja vähittäiskaupan, vähentämään pakkausten, jakelun, elintarvikkeiden tuotannon ja kulutuksen kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä ja ympäristövaikutuksia Suomessa. Tässä tutkimuksessa haastateltiin yhdeksän sitoumuksen tehnyttä alan yritystä, ja selvitettiin, miten yritykset kokevat sitoumuksen, miten ne mittaavat kasvihuonekaasupäästöjään ja millainen sitoumuksen pitäisi olla, jotta se palvelisi yrityksiä mahdollisimman hyvin. Puoli-strukturoiduista haastatteluista saatu data analysoitiin teema-analyysillä. Yritykset olivat keskenään hyvin erilaisia, koska yrityksiä oli mukana kolmelta eri alalta. Tämä oli yksi syy miksi yrityksiä ei voitu laittaa suoraan vertailuasetelmaan keskenään. Tulokset osoittavat, että materiaalitehokkuuden sitoumukseen kohdistuu useita odotuksia ja sen koetaan antavan hyvän selkänojan, mutta siinä mukana oleminen ei ole syy , miksi materiaalitehokkuustoimenpiteitä tehdään. Kasvihuonekaasupäästömittaukset, liittyen etenkin materiaalitehokkuuteen, ovat vielä melko tuore ilmiö yrityskentällä varsinkin pienissä ja keskisuurissa yrityksissä. Suurin osa yrityksistä kokee kasvihuonekaasupäästömittausten olevan haastavia sisältäen useita liikkuvia osia. Osalla yrityksistä on vaikeuksia mitata eri toimenpiteiden aiheuttamien kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen vähenemiä. Mittausten parantaminen vaatii erilaisia resursseja kuten aikaa, yhteistyötä, yhtenäisiä työkaluja, standardeja ja asiaan vihkiytymistä. Ideaali sitoumus kertoo näkyvästi yhteiskunnalle elintarvikealan tekemästä tärkeästä työstä ja poikii osallistujille yhteistyöprojekteja. Lisäksi se tuo sopivaa painetta yrityksille saavuttaa julkisesti asetettuja tavoitteita, kasvattaa tietoisuutta myös sisäisesti ja auttaa benchmarking-toiminnan toteuttamisessa.
Global climate change and stakeholder pressures drive the companies to find better ways to operate and use materials. The green deals and other voluntary environmental agreements are one way to jointly agree on issues, set goals, and pursue results without legislation. In the year 2019, the first voluntary national material efficiency commitment in the food industry sector (Elintarvikealan materiaalitehokkuuden sitoumus) including the packaging sector and trade, was launched to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and environmental impacts of packaging, distribution, food production and consumption in Finland. This work presents perceptions of nine representatives of the companies involved in the commitment. The study explores the various perspectives related to the participation in commitment, firms’ GHG emissions measurements, and, in particular, what kind of commitment would be ideal from the company perspective. Data from semi-structured interviews were analyzed by thematic analysis. The companies were quite different from each other because the companies represented three different sectors and therefore, they could not be directly compared. The results show that the commitment gives supporting back for the companies and there are many expectations for the commitment but being involved in the commitment is not the only reason why material efficiency actions are taken. Greenhouse gas emission measurements, especially related to material efficiency, are still a fairly recent phenomenon in the business sector, especially in small and medium-sized companies. Most companies see the GHG emission calculations as a challenging issue including many moving parts. Some of the companies have difficulties in measuring the reductions in greenhouse gas emissions caused by various actions. At the moment, many companies had concentrated more on the energy issues and GHG emissions of them instead of material efficiency. Various resources are needed in companies, such as time, co-operation, common tools, standards, real effort, and motivation to improve the measurements in the companies. The ideal commitment would be extensive enough and transparent in the stakeholder communication so that the important work done by the food industry can be detected by stakeholder. The ideal commitment would also generate collaborative projects for participants and support material efficiency work. In addition, the commitment would put pressure on companies to achieve publicly set goals, raise awareness internally, and help to implement benchmarking activities.
Global climate change and stakeholder pressures drive the companies to find better ways to operate and use materials. The green deals and other voluntary environmental agreements are one way to jointly agree on issues, set goals, and pursue results without legislation. In the year 2019, the first voluntary national material efficiency commitment in the food industry sector (Elintarvikealan materiaalitehokkuuden sitoumus) including the packaging sector and trade, was launched to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and environmental impacts of packaging, distribution, food production and consumption in Finland. This work presents perceptions of nine representatives of the companies involved in the commitment. The study explores the various perspectives related to the participation in commitment, firms’ GHG emissions measurements, and, in particular, what kind of commitment would be ideal from the company perspective. Data from semi-structured interviews were analyzed by thematic analysis. The companies were quite different from each other because the companies represented three different sectors and therefore, they could not be directly compared. The results show that the commitment gives supporting back for the companies and there are many expectations for the commitment but being involved in the commitment is not the only reason why material efficiency actions are taken. Greenhouse gas emission measurements, especially related to material efficiency, are still a fairly recent phenomenon in the business sector, especially in small and medium-sized companies. Most companies see the GHG emission calculations as a challenging issue including many moving parts. Some of the companies have difficulties in measuring the reductions in greenhouse gas emissions caused by various actions. At the moment, many companies had concentrated more on the energy issues and GHG emissions of them instead of material efficiency. Various resources are needed in companies, such as time, co-operation, common tools, standards, real effort, and motivation to improve the measurements in the companies. The ideal commitment would be extensive enough and transparent in the stakeholder communication so that the important work done by the food industry can be detected by stakeholder. The ideal commitment would also generate collaborative projects for participants and support material efficiency work. In addition, the commitment would put pressure on companies to achieve publicly set goals, raise awareness internally, and help to implement benchmarking activities.
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Master thesis
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The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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