Digitale Lernspiele im finnischen DaF-Unterricht : Stellenwert der Bingel-Spielwelt aus der Sicht des Schülers
Digitalisaation myötä digitaalisia oppimispelejä on kehitetty niin koulussa kuin vapaa-ajallakin tapahtuvan oppimisen tueksi. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten alakoulun saksan kielen oppijat suhtautuvat Bingel-pelimaailmaan, jota käytetään opetuksen yhteydessä. Oppilaat ovat vastanneet kyselylomakkeeseen, jossa selvitetään heidän kokemustaan Bingelin opettavaisuudesta, syitään käyttää Bingeliä sekä Bingelin roolia heidän elämässään niin koulussa kuin koulun ulkopuolellakin.
Due to the constant increase of digitalization, digital learning games have been created to help learning, both in school and during free time. This bachelor's thesis aims to figure out how the pupils learning German language in a Finnish elementary school view the learning game world Bingel, which is used in their education. The pupils have taken an online survey that looks into their experience in Bingel through three themes: its effectiveness in learning, their reasons to use Bingel and the role of Bingel in the life of the pupils both in school and on their free time.
Due to the constant increase of digitalization, digital learning games have been created to help learning, both in school and during free time. This bachelor's thesis aims to figure out how the pupils learning German language in a Finnish elementary school view the learning game world Bingel, which is used in their education. The pupils have taken an online survey that looks into their experience in Bingel through three themes: its effectiveness in learning, their reasons to use Bingel and the role of Bingel in the life of the pupils both in school and on their free time.
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Bachelor thesis
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