Medical rehabilitation professionals’ perceptions on intercultural interaction, competence, and well-being at work
Viime vuosien aikana maahanmuuttajien osuus terveydenhuollon asiakkaina on noussut, ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaisilta vaaditaan nyt yhä enemmän kykyä työskennellä eri taustoista tulevien ihmisten kanssa. Muun muassa haasteet viestinnässä, tulkkien käyttö, ja asiakkaiden mahdolliset traumataustat voivat lisätä työn aiheuttamaa stressiä ja vaikuttaa työhyvinvointiin.
Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee lääkinnällisen kuntoutuksen ammattilaisten näkemyksiä kulttuurienvälisestä vuorovaikutuksesta, kompetenssista ja työhyvinvoinnista. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla kuutta lääkinnällisen kuntoutuksen ammattilaista, minkä jälkeen se analysoitiin laadullisen sisällönanalyysin avulla.
Haastatteluissa ilmenneitä teemoja olivat muun muassa tulkkien rooli vuorovaikutuksessa maahanmuuttajapotilaiden kanssa, mahdolliset traumataustat, sekä oletetut kulttuurierot. Nämä tekijät saattavat vaikeuttaa vuorovaikutusta ja tehdä työskentelystä työläämpää. Toisaalta, samanlaiset tekijät usein myös hankaloittavat vuorovaikutusta ja työtä suomalaisten potilaiden kanssa. Muun muassa joustavuus, aiempi kokemus sekä ammattimainen työote koetaan hyödylliseksi, kuten myös yleinen tietämys maahanmuuttajapotilaan lähtömaan tilanteesta. Työskenteleminen eri taustoista tulevien ihmisten kanssa auttaa myös tulevissa kohtaamisissa, ja työtavat, joita opitaan maahanmuuttajia hoitaessa voivat olla avuksi myös muiden potilaiden kanssa.
Työskentely maahanmuuttajapotilaiden kanssa, ja siihen liittyvät tekijät, herättävät sekä positiivisia että negatiivisia tunteita, ja aineisto viittaa siihen, että suurin osa työhyvinvointia heikentävistä tekijöistä liittyy työn organisointiin, ei niinkään kulttuurieroihin vuorovaikutuksessa.
Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan tehdä suosituksia muun muassa terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten koulutukseen sekä huomioita tulkkitoimistoille. Lisäksi muutokset työn organisointiin saattaisivat parantaa lääkinnällisen kuntoutuksen ammattilaisten työhyvinvointia.
In the past few years, the amount of immigrant patients has increased in public healthcare, and the ability to work with people from various backgrounds is required more and more from the healthcare providers. For example, the challenges in interaction, the use of interpreters, and the possible traumatic backgrounds of the patients could add to the strain of the work, and thus also affect the well-being at work. This thesis examines medical rehabilitation professionals’ perceptions on intercultural interaction, competence, and well-being at work in relation to working with immigrant patients. The data was gathered by interviewing six medical rehabilitation professionals, after which the transcribed interviews were analysed with the Qualitative Content Analysis method and its directed approach. Themes such as the role of interpreters in the appointments with immigrant patients, the traumatic backgrounds of some patients, and perceived cultural differences with the immigrant patients came up during the interviews. These aspects may complicate the interaction and make the work more laborious. On the other hand, similar factors often also complicate the interaction and work with Finnish patients. Abilities such as flexibility, previous experience and a professional manner, together with some general knowledge about the conditions in the immigrant patients’ countries of origin, are seen to be helpful in the patient interaction. Also, encountering people from various backgrounds helps in future encounters, and the things learned in interaction with immigrant patients can be useful also in all patient interactions. Working with immigrant patients evokes both positive and negative emotions, and the data implies that most of the issues that might decrease well-being at work are related to the organisation of work, not cultural differences in interaction as such. This study shows implications for the training of the medical rehabilitation professionals, as well as for the interpretation agencies. Also, the data suggests that changes in the organisation of work could improve the medical rehabilitation professionals’ well-being at work.
In the past few years, the amount of immigrant patients has increased in public healthcare, and the ability to work with people from various backgrounds is required more and more from the healthcare providers. For example, the challenges in interaction, the use of interpreters, and the possible traumatic backgrounds of the patients could add to the strain of the work, and thus also affect the well-being at work. This thesis examines medical rehabilitation professionals’ perceptions on intercultural interaction, competence, and well-being at work in relation to working with immigrant patients. The data was gathered by interviewing six medical rehabilitation professionals, after which the transcribed interviews were analysed with the Qualitative Content Analysis method and its directed approach. Themes such as the role of interpreters in the appointments with immigrant patients, the traumatic backgrounds of some patients, and perceived cultural differences with the immigrant patients came up during the interviews. These aspects may complicate the interaction and make the work more laborious. On the other hand, similar factors often also complicate the interaction and work with Finnish patients. Abilities such as flexibility, previous experience and a professional manner, together with some general knowledge about the conditions in the immigrant patients’ countries of origin, are seen to be helpful in the patient interaction. Also, encountering people from various backgrounds helps in future encounters, and the things learned in interaction with immigrant patients can be useful also in all patient interactions. Working with immigrant patients evokes both positive and negative emotions, and the data implies that most of the issues that might decrease well-being at work are related to the organisation of work, not cultural differences in interaction as such. This study shows implications for the training of the medical rehabilitation professionals, as well as for the interpretation agencies. Also, the data suggests that changes in the organisation of work could improve the medical rehabilitation professionals’ well-being at work.
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Master thesis
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