Associations of autonomic nervous system with blood pressure and heart rate responses during exercise
Korkea verenpaine ja tyypin 2 diabetes ovat riskitekijöitä lukuisille sairauksille sekä kuolleisuudelle ja ovat yhteydessä autonomisen hermoston toiminnan häiriöihin. Liikunnanaikainen liiallinen verenpaineen kohoaminen, hidas palautuminen liikunnan jälkeen ja sykkeen epätavallinen käyttäytyminen ovat merkkejä autonomisen hermoston toiminnan häiriöistä. Sykevälivaihtelua (HRV) käytetään yleisesti kuvaamaan autonomisen hermoston tilaa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli tutkia yhteyksiä autonomisen hermoston toiminnan ja liikunnanaikaisen liiallisen verenpaineen nousun sekä sykekäyttäytymisen välillä.
Tämä tutkimus tehtiin osana Healthbeat-tutkimusta (”Kunto, uni ja stressi diabetes- ja verenpainetautipotilailla”), joka toteutettiin vuosina 2019-2020. Tutkimuspopulaatio koostui 18-64-vuotiaista, joilla oli todettu diabeteksen esiaste ja/tai diagnosoitu tyypin 2 diabetes viimeisen 5 vuoden sisällä ja/tai verenpainetauti. Tämän tutkimuksen otanta oli 28 henkilöä keski-iältään 54,4 vuotta. Korkea verenpaine oli diagnosoitu 23 (82,1 %), tyypin 2 diabetes 4 (14,3%) ja esidiabetes 10 henkilöllä (35,7%) osallistujista. Tutkimuksen data analysoitiin IBM SPSS Statistics (26.0) – ohjelmistolla. Analysointimenetelminä käytettiin t-testiä, ristiintaulukointia, Khiin neliö – testiä ja Mann Whitneyn U-testiä. Autonomisen hermoston toimintaa analysoitiin nousujohteisen maksimaalisen rasitustestin yhteydessä ryhmien välillä, jotka oli jaettu liikunnan aikaisen maksimaalisen systolisen verenpaineen (SBP) ja ikävakioidun maksimaalisen sykkeen mukaan. Lisäksi 72-tunnin HRV mittausta vertailtiin samoissa ryhmissä.
Parasympaattisen hermoston aktivaatio liikunnan jälkeen (5 min palautusjakson HF-arvo) oli ei-merkitsevästi nopeampaa ryhmässä, jossa liikunnan aikainen systolinen verenpaine oli matalampi (p=0,125). Korkeamman verenpaineen ryhmässä esiintyi enemmän diabeteksen esiasteita (p=0,036), liikunnan jälkeinen verenpaine oli korkeampi (1 min p=0,001, 3 min p=0,041) ja syke palautui liikunnasta ei-merkitsevästi hitaammin (1 min p=0,130, 3 min p=0,113). Korkeampi ikävakioitu syke liikunnan aikana oli yhteydessä alhaisempaan painoon (p=0,007), pienempään kehon painoindeksiin (BMI) (p=0,007), korkeampaan HDL-kolesterolipitoisuuteen (p=0,039) ja suurempaan sykereserviin (p=0,044).
Yhteenvetona alhaisemmat liikunnan aikaiset systolisen verenpaineen arvot voivat merkitä korkeampaa parasympaattisen hermoston toimintaa, kun indikaattoreina käytetään HRV:tä, liikunnan jälkeisiä SBP-arvoja ja sykevasteita. Korkeampi liikunnan aikainen ikävakioitu syke oli yhteydessä positiivisiin terveysmarkkereihin.
Hypertension and type 2 diabetes are risk factors for morbidities and mortality and are associated with the autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysfunction. Dysfunction of the ANS represents itself as an exaggerated blood pressure response during and after exercise. Abnormal heart rate responses during and after exercise are a sign of imbalanced ANS as well. Heart rate variability (HRV) is commonly used to evaluate the state of the ANS. The aim of this study was to evaluate the associations of autonomic nervous system with blood pressure and heart rate responses during exercise. This thesis was a part of the Healthbeat study (“Kunto, uni ja stressi diabetes- ja verenpainetautipotilailla”) conducted in 2019-2020. Study population consisted of 18- to 64-year-old individuals with prediabetes and/or type 2 diabetes diagnosed during last five years and/or diagnosed hypertension. This study included 28 participants with a mean age of 54.4. High blood pressure was diagnosed with 23 (82.1%) of the participants, type 2 diabetes with 4 (14.3%) and prediabetes with 10 (35.7%) of the participants. The data were analyzed with the IBM SPSS Statistics (26.0) – software. T-test, crosstabs, Chi square (χ2) – test and Mann-Whitney-test were used as the analyzing methods. The participants were divided to groups according to the highest exercise-induced systolic blood pressure (SBP) response as well as the highest age-adjusted heart rate (HR) response during the maximal graded exercise test. The ANS function during the graded maximal exercise test was analyzed between groups. 72-hour recording of HRV values were compared within the groups. Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system after exercise (5 min post exercise HF value) was non-significantly higher in the group with lower SBP values during exercise (p=0.125). Higher SBP group had a higher prevalence of prediabetes (p=0.036), higher post-exercise SBP (1 min p=0.001, 3 min p=0.041) and non-significantly slower heart rate recovery (1 min p=0.130, 3 min p=0.113) than lower SBP group. Higher age-adjusted HR was associated with lower body weight (p=0.007), lower body mass index (BMI) (p=0.007), higher serum HDL-cholesterol value (p=0.039) and higher HR reserve (p=0.044). In summary, lower SBP values during maximal exercise may indicate higher parasympathetic domination when measured with HRV, post-exercise SBP and HR responses. Higher age-adjusted HR was associated with positive health indicators.
Hypertension and type 2 diabetes are risk factors for morbidities and mortality and are associated with the autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysfunction. Dysfunction of the ANS represents itself as an exaggerated blood pressure response during and after exercise. Abnormal heart rate responses during and after exercise are a sign of imbalanced ANS as well. Heart rate variability (HRV) is commonly used to evaluate the state of the ANS. The aim of this study was to evaluate the associations of autonomic nervous system with blood pressure and heart rate responses during exercise. This thesis was a part of the Healthbeat study (“Kunto, uni ja stressi diabetes- ja verenpainetautipotilailla”) conducted in 2019-2020. Study population consisted of 18- to 64-year-old individuals with prediabetes and/or type 2 diabetes diagnosed during last five years and/or diagnosed hypertension. This study included 28 participants with a mean age of 54.4. High blood pressure was diagnosed with 23 (82.1%) of the participants, type 2 diabetes with 4 (14.3%) and prediabetes with 10 (35.7%) of the participants. The data were analyzed with the IBM SPSS Statistics (26.0) – software. T-test, crosstabs, Chi square (χ2) – test and Mann-Whitney-test were used as the analyzing methods. The participants were divided to groups according to the highest exercise-induced systolic blood pressure (SBP) response as well as the highest age-adjusted heart rate (HR) response during the maximal graded exercise test. The ANS function during the graded maximal exercise test was analyzed between groups. 72-hour recording of HRV values were compared within the groups. Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system after exercise (5 min post exercise HF value) was non-significantly higher in the group with lower SBP values during exercise (p=0.125). Higher SBP group had a higher prevalence of prediabetes (p=0.036), higher post-exercise SBP (1 min p=0.001, 3 min p=0.041) and non-significantly slower heart rate recovery (1 min p=0.130, 3 min p=0.113) than lower SBP group. Higher age-adjusted HR was associated with lower body weight (p=0.007), lower body mass index (BMI) (p=0.007), higher serum HDL-cholesterol value (p=0.039) and higher HR reserve (p=0.044). In summary, lower SBP values during maximal exercise may indicate higher parasympathetic domination when measured with HRV, post-exercise SBP and HR responses. Higher age-adjusted HR was associated with positive health indicators.
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Master thesis
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