Rajoittuneen rationaaliset odotukset suhdanteita mallinnettaessa
Vuonna 2007 alkunsa saanut maailmanlaajuinen talouskriisi ja käyttäytymistaloustieteen merkityksen kasvu ovat lisänneet keskustelua rationaalisista odotuksista, joihin nykyiset makrotalouden valtavirtamallit nojaavat. Yhdeksi vaihtoehtoiseksi lähestymistavaksi on ehdotettu rajoittuneen rationaalisia odotuksia, joiden avulla pyritään luomaan paremmin empiriaa vastaavia malleja. Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa tarkastellaan kolmea tällaista, suhdannevaihteluita tuottavaa mallia. Tavoitteena on vastata kolmeen kysymykseen: miten rajoittuneen rationaalisia odotuksia on hyödynnetty, minkälaisia suhdannevaihteluihin liittyviä tuloksia on saatu ja onko rajoittuneen rationaalisten odotuksien käyttö perusteltua. Tutkielmassa huomataan, että keskenään hyvin erilaisilla oletuksilla ja ratkaisulla pystytään kehittämään suhdannevaihteluita tuottavia malleja. Pohdinnan tuloksena todetaan, että vaikka rajoittuneen rationaalisiin odotuksiin liittyy ongelmia, kuten mikropohjasta johtamisen ja tarkoituksenmukaisten oletuksien valitsemisen haasteet, saa lähestymistapa monipuolista empiiristä tukea. Lopuksi ehdotetaan lisätutkimuksia aiheesta makrotaloudellisten mallien empiirisen vastaavuuden ja uskottavuuden parantamiseksi.
The global financial crisis and the rise of behavioural economics have increased the debate about the hypothesis of rational expectations, which is used in the modern mainstream macroeconomic models. Alternative approaches utilizing the expectations of boundedly rational agents have been suggested to achieve a better fit to the empirical evidence. This paper surveys three models based on such alternative modelling choices and their capability to produce economic fluctuations. The aim is to answer three questions: how the expectations of boundedly rational agents are implemented, what kind of results are achieved regarding the economic fluctuations and can the approach of boundedly rational agents be justified. It is learnt that economic fluctuations can be produced by several models with substantially different ways of utilizing the boundedly rational expectations. It is concluded that while there are problems to be addressed, such as deriving the models from the microfoundations and choosing appropriate assumptions regarding agents’ behaviour, there is diverse empirical evidence supporting the bounded rationality of expectations. Finally, more studies on the matter are suggested to improve the consistency with the empirical evidence and the credence of the macroeconomics models.
The global financial crisis and the rise of behavioural economics have increased the debate about the hypothesis of rational expectations, which is used in the modern mainstream macroeconomic models. Alternative approaches utilizing the expectations of boundedly rational agents have been suggested to achieve a better fit to the empirical evidence. This paper surveys three models based on such alternative modelling choices and their capability to produce economic fluctuations. The aim is to answer three questions: how the expectations of boundedly rational agents are implemented, what kind of results are achieved regarding the economic fluctuations and can the approach of boundedly rational agents be justified. It is learnt that economic fluctuations can be produced by several models with substantially different ways of utilizing the boundedly rational expectations. It is concluded that while there are problems to be addressed, such as deriving the models from the microfoundations and choosing appropriate assumptions regarding agents’ behaviour, there is diverse empirical evidence supporting the bounded rationality of expectations. Finally, more studies on the matter are suggested to improve the consistency with the empirical evidence and the credence of the macroeconomics models.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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