Kohti liikunnallisempaa elämäntapaa : Polar -sykemittarin hyödynnettävyys ammattiopisto-opiskelijoiden liikuntamotivaation lisäämisessä
Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa selvitettiin sykemittarin hyödynnettävyyttä ammattiopisto opiskelijoiden liikuntamotivaation lisäämisessä. Lisäksi saatiin tietoa sykemittarin käyttökokemuksista. Liikunnan määrän vähentyessä yleisesti on syytä keksiä lisää keinoja liikkumiseen motivoimiseksi ja tutkielma selvitti, millaisia mahdollisuuksia sykemittari antavat tähän tehtävään. Tutkimus toteutettiin yhteistyössä Polar Electro Oy:n ja Ammattiopisto Lappian kanssa. Tutkimus oli myös osa Liikkuva Lappia -hanketta, jonka tarkoituksena on parantaa opiskelijoiden kokonaisvaltaista työkykyä ja -hyvinvointia.
Tutkielmaan rekrytoitiin yhteensä 40 opiskelijaa. Tutkielma oli luonteeltaan kokeellinen tapaus-verrokkitutkimus, jossa tutkittavat arvottiin koe- sekä kontrolliryhmiin ja aineistonhankinta menetelminä käytettiin kyselylomaketta ja haastatteluja. Tutkimus rakentui lähtötilanneselvityksestä sekä kahdesta tutkimusjaksosta, jossa ensimmäisessä informanttiryhmä piti sykemittareita ja toisessa ei. Jaksojen jälkeen suoritettiin mittaukset.
Tulokset osoittivat, että sykemittarit voivat olla hyödynnettävissä liikuntamotivaation lisäämisessä, kunhan ne huomioivat opiskelijat yksilöllisesti. Tutkimusryhmien ja -kertojen välisissä vertailuissa liikkumisen ja liikunnan määrän muutoksissa ei voitu todeta tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja tutkimusotoksen ollessa vertailuvaiheessa pieni (n=7). Haastatelluista sykemittaria käyttäneistä opiskelijoista suurin osa koki, että sykemittari toimii motivoivana tekijänä liikkumiselle ja on apuna oman terveyden seuraamisessa. Tärkeimmät ominaisuudet liikkumiseen motivoimisessa olivat aktiivisuudesta muistuttaminen, matkan näkyminen ja askelmäärät sekä sykkeen ja kaloreiden kulutuksen näyttäminen. Laajemman kuvan saamiseksi myös opiskelijoiden liikuntasuhteita selvitettiin. Opiskelijoiden liikuntasuhde oli pääosin hyvin myönteinen ja opiskelijoista kaikki ilmoittivat harrastaneensa joskus liikuntaa, vaikka osalla olikin liikunnassa pieni tauko mittaushetkellä. Erityisesti sportisoinnin osa-alue korostui opiskelijoiden liikuntasuhteessa, koska suurin osa opiskelijoista käytti liikuntaan rahaa ja puolet opiskelijoista piti liikunnallisesta pukeutumisesta. Tällä selvitystyöllä pystyttiin selventämään sykemittarin yhteyttä opiskelijan liikuntamotivaatioon.
The aim of this thesis was to find out if a heart rate monitor could be utilized in increasing the exercise motivation of vocational school students. The meanings of the use of a heart rate monitor was also investigated. More ways should be invented to motivate people to exercise because the amount of exercise has been found to be decreased. The research was carried out in cooperation with Polar Electro Oy and the Vocational School of the Lappia. The research was also a part of the Liikkuva Lappia -project, which is designed to provide comprehensive work ability and well-being for students. A total of 40 students were recruited for the thesis. The thesis was an experimental case-control study, in which the subjects were evaluated in the experimental and control groups, and the questionnaires and interviews were used as methods of data acquisition. The study consisted of a baseline study and two study periods, in which informant group wore heart rate monitors. Measurements were made after the cycles. The results showed that heart rate monitors can be useful in increasing physical activity motivation, if they give individual attention to students. However, no statistically significant differences in movement and exercise volume were found between study groups and repetitions because of a small number of persons in study group (n=7) at the end of the study. Most of the students who used heart rate monitors and were interviewed, most felt that the heart rate monitor acts as a motivator to exercise and helps to monitor their own health. The most important factors of a heart rate monitor in motivation of activity were reminding of once activity, showing distance and step counts, and showing your heart rate and calorie consumption. In order to get a broader picture, the students´ physical activity relationship were also studied. Based on the results, the students´ physical activity rate was very positive, and all of the students reported exercise activity at some extent, although some had a short break in exercise at the time of the measurement. Particularly the sporting aspects were emphasized in the students´ physical activity ratio, as most of them spent money on physical activity and half of the students liked to dress athletically. This study enabled to clarify the connection of a heart rate monitor in motivating students in physical activity.
The aim of this thesis was to find out if a heart rate monitor could be utilized in increasing the exercise motivation of vocational school students. The meanings of the use of a heart rate monitor was also investigated. More ways should be invented to motivate people to exercise because the amount of exercise has been found to be decreased. The research was carried out in cooperation with Polar Electro Oy and the Vocational School of the Lappia. The research was also a part of the Liikkuva Lappia -project, which is designed to provide comprehensive work ability and well-being for students. A total of 40 students were recruited for the thesis. The thesis was an experimental case-control study, in which the subjects were evaluated in the experimental and control groups, and the questionnaires and interviews were used as methods of data acquisition. The study consisted of a baseline study and two study periods, in which informant group wore heart rate monitors. Measurements were made after the cycles. The results showed that heart rate monitors can be useful in increasing physical activity motivation, if they give individual attention to students. However, no statistically significant differences in movement and exercise volume were found between study groups and repetitions because of a small number of persons in study group (n=7) at the end of the study. Most of the students who used heart rate monitors and were interviewed, most felt that the heart rate monitor acts as a motivator to exercise and helps to monitor their own health. The most important factors of a heart rate monitor in motivation of activity were reminding of once activity, showing distance and step counts, and showing your heart rate and calorie consumption. In order to get a broader picture, the students´ physical activity relationship were also studied. Based on the results, the students´ physical activity rate was very positive, and all of the students reported exercise activity at some extent, although some had a short break in exercise at the time of the measurement. Particularly the sporting aspects were emphasized in the students´ physical activity ratio, as most of them spent money on physical activity and half of the students liked to dress athletically. This study enabled to clarify the connection of a heart rate monitor in motivating students in physical activity.
Main Author
Master thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202005183271Use this for linking