Empowerment-enabling home and school environments and self-rated health among Finnish adolescents

Perceived health during adolescence has not only immediate consequences for individuals and for society, but also long-term. We need to understand better the health development in this period of the lifespan. Empowerment may be one pathway through which social factors and conditions translate into health effects. This study aimed to examine whether empowerment-enabling home and school environments are associated with self-rated health among adolescents, and whether the associations differ between genders, age or majority/minority language groups. Anonymous questionnaire data from respondents aged 11, 13 and 15 years were obtained from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study, conducted in Finland in 2014 in Finnish- and Swedish-speaking schools (n = 5925/1877). The proportion rating their health as excellent varied between 33.6 (11-year-olds) and 23.1% (15-year-olds), boys rating their health as excellent more often than girls in all age groups. Findings showed that indicators of both empowerment-enabling home and school environments were independently and positively related to adolescents’ self-rated health. Whereas a respectful, accepting, kind and helpful attitude among classmates and a good home atmosphere were quite consistently associated with excellent health, there were gender and age differences with concern to the other empowerment-enabling indicators. Moreover, there were gender-, age- and language-related differences regarding adolescents’ perceptions of how empowerment enabling their environments were. Home and school environments that create opportunities through encouragement and care, and through strengthening feelings of being secure, accepted and respected are potentially empowerment enabling. This study suggests that such environmental qualities are important for the perceived health of young people.
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Articles Research article
Publication in research information system
Oxford University Press
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202003192471Use this for linking
Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Health Promotion International
  • Simonsen, N., Lahti, A., Suominen, S., Välimaa, R., Tynjälä, J., Roos, E., & Kannas, L. (2020). Empowerment-enabling home and school environments and self-rated health among Finnish adolescents. Health Promotion International, 35(1), 82-92. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/day104
In CopyrightOpen Access
Additional information about funding
The study was supported by grants from The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland, and National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland.
Copyright© The Author(s) 2018
