Elektronisen urheilun ekosysteemi
Tämän tutkielman aiheena on elektronisen urheilun tai e-urheilun ekosysteemi. Elektroninen urheilu on ilmiönä melko tuore, vaikka sen juuret johtavatkin vuosikymmenien päähän. E-urheilun suosio ja yhteiskunnallinen asema on viime vuosina kasvanut suuresti ja siksi aihe vaatii huomiota.
Tämä tutkielma on suoritettu kokoavana kirjallisuuskatsauksena paneu-tuen elektronista urheilua ja sen ekosysteemiä käsitteleviin tieteellisiin ja ei-tieteellisiin julkaisuihin. Ei-tieteellisiä julkaisuja on otettu tarkasteluun mu-kaan tutkimustiedon määrän vähyyden, sekä laajemman näkökulman vuoksi.
Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella elektronisen urheilun ekosys-teemiä, liiketoimintaekosysteemiä ja vertailla näitä kahta keskenään niiden samankaltaisuuden toteamiseksi.
The subject of this thesis is the ecosystem of electronic sports or e-sports. Electronic sport is a fairly recent phenomenon, although its roots date back decades. The popularity and societal role of e-sports has grown tremendously in recent years, and therefore the topic needs attention. This thesis has been completed as a compilation of literature reviews on scientific and non-scientific publications on electronic sport and its ecosystem. Non-scientific publications have been considered because of the limited amount of research information available and to accomplish broader view. The purpose of this study is to examine the ecosystem of electronic sport, the business ecosystem, and to compare these two to establish their similarity.
The subject of this thesis is the ecosystem of electronic sports or e-sports. Electronic sport is a fairly recent phenomenon, although its roots date back decades. The popularity and societal role of e-sports has grown tremendously in recent years, and therefore the topic needs attention. This thesis has been completed as a compilation of literature reviews on scientific and non-scientific publications on electronic sport and its ecosystem. Non-scientific publications have been considered because of the limited amount of research information available and to accomplish broader view. The purpose of this study is to examine the ecosystem of electronic sport, the business ecosystem, and to compare these two to establish their similarity.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202002192106Use this for linking