”Tämä ulkopoliittinen linja saattoi olla ratkaiseva niitti” : Historiallinen perusteleminen lukiolaisten teksteissä
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan lukiolaisten historiallista päättelyä tutkivan historian oppimisen viikolla tuotettujen tekstien kautta. Viikon aikana opiskelijat selvittivät ratkaisematonta historiallista tapahtumaa juhannukselta 1957. Tuolloin tasavallan presidentin kesäasuntoa kohti ammuttiin laukauksia, joiden tehtävä oli joko pelotella tai murhata presidentti Urho Kekkonen. Kurssille osallistui 24 opiskelijaa, jotka toimivat seitsemässä ryhmässä analysoiden primääri- ja sekundäärilähteitä ja muodostaen näkemystään Kultarannan tapahtumiin. Aineisto on analysoitu teorialähtöisesti käyttäen Carla van Boxtelin ja Jannet van Drien historiallisen päättelyn kehikkoa. Tulostemme mukaan lukiolaiset olivat taitavia historiallisten lähteiden tulkitsijoita, kun taas tulkintojen yhdistäminen laajempaan historialliseen kontekstiin oli haasteellista. Tähän arvioinnissa tulisi kiinnittää erityistä huomiota.
In this article, we explored the historical reasoning of general upper secondary school students. This was done by using texts students produced in a history course based on inquiry-based learning. This course took place during a week in which students were to deal with an event from Midsummer’s Eve in 1957. Then, shots were fired at the summer residence of President Urho Kekkonen of Finland. Shots were meant to to intimidate or murder the president. The identity of the shooter and the motive have remained unknown. Twenty-four students participated in the course. They worked in seven groups, analysed primary and secondary sources and formed their interpretations of a historical event. The data (students’ texts) were analysed by using the framework of historical reasoning developed by Carla van Boxtel and Jannet van Drie. The results of the study pointed to development areas teachers should pay attention to when evaluating the development of historical skills during learning processes.
In this article, we explored the historical reasoning of general upper secondary school students. This was done by using texts students produced in a history course based on inquiry-based learning. This course took place during a week in which students were to deal with an event from Midsummer’s Eve in 1957. Then, shots were fired at the summer residence of President Urho Kekkonen of Finland. Shots were meant to to intimidate or murder the president. The identity of the shooter and the motive have remained unknown. Twenty-four students participated in the course. They worked in seven groups, analysed primary and secondary sources and formed their interpretations of a historical event. The data (students’ texts) were analysed by using the framework of historical reasoning developed by Carla van Boxtel and Jannet van Drie. The results of the study pointed to development areas teachers should pay attention to when evaluating the development of historical skills during learning processes.
Main Authors
Book part
Publication in research information system
Helsingin yliopisto
Original source
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202001301877Use this for linking
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Ainedidaktisia tutkimuksia
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Arvot ja arviointi
- Veijola, A., & Rautiainen, M. (2019). ”Tämä ulkopoliittinen linja saattoi olla ratkaiseva niitti” : Historiallinen perusteleminen lukiolaisten teksteissä. In M. Kallio, H. Krzywacki, & S. Poulter (Eds.), Arvot ja arviointi (pp. 165-185). Helsingin yliopisto. Ainedidaktisia tutkimuksia, 16. http://hdl.handle.net/10138/308813
Research Council of Finland
Research Council of Finland
Funding program(s)
Academy Project, AoF
Academy Project, AoF
Akatemiahanke, SA
Akatemiahanke, SA

Additional information about funding
Suomen Akatemia: Kohti tiedonalakohtaista ajattelua lukiossa: historian tekstitaitojen hallinta, oppiminen ja arviointi
Copyright© Kirjoittajat & Suomen ainedidaktinen tutkimusseura ry, 2019