Performance of Finnish biobanks in nationwide pulmonary carcinoid tumour research

Finnish hospital-integrated biobanks administer millions of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue samples collected within the clinical diagnostics. According to the Finnish Biobank Act, these samples can be coupled with patients’ clinical follow-up data and the data retrieved from national health registries. We collected a nationwide pulmonary carcinoid tumour series from Finnish biobanks to study prognostic factors as well as to explore how the number of tumours found in the Finnish biobanks corresponds to the number of tumours registered by the Finnish Cancer Registry (FCR). Finnish biobanks identified 88% of the tumours registered by the FCR and were able to deliver 63%. The main reasons for lacking samples were paucity of resected primary tumour tissue, incompatible primary diagnosis, and the absence of tissue blocks in the archives. The main bottleneck in the sample application process was retrieving patient data. Altogether, we received 224 tumour samples with appropriate patient data and identified six prognostic factors for shorter disease-specific survival: age over 56 years at the time of diagnosis, tumour size over 2.5 cm, atypical histology, Ki-67 proliferation index higher than 2.5%, hilar/mediastinal lymph node involvement at the time of diagnosis, and the presence of metastatic disease. In conclusion, the Finnish biobank infrastructure offers excellent opportunities for tissue-based research. However, to be able to develop the biobank operations further, involving more medical knowledge in the sample and data acquisition process is a necessity. Also, when working with tissue samples collected over decades, histological expertise is essential for re-evaluation and re-classification of the samples.
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Peer reviewed
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Virchows Archiv
  • Vesterinen, T., Salmenkivi, K., Mustonen, H., Kuopio, T., Lappi-Blanco, E., Paavonen, T., Vainio, P., Knuuttila, A., Carpén, O., Haglund, C., & Arola, J. (2020). Performance of Finnish biobanks in nationwide pulmonary carcinoid tumour research. Virchows Archiv, 476(2), 273-283.
CC BY 4.0Open Access
Additional information about funding
Open access funding provided by University of Helsinki including Helsinki University Central Hospital. This study was funded by the Finnish Cancer Foundation (no grant number) and the Helsinki University Hospital Research Fund (grant number TYH2017204).
Copyright© 2019 the Author(s)
