Life-based design : ʻform of lifeʻ as a foundation for ICT design for older adults
The measure of technology is in its ability to enhance the quality of life for people.
There is always a specific reason for adopting and using technology, and this is to
reach the goals that people have set for themselves in their everyday life. Technology
should support people in carrying out their actions when accomplishing these goals.
This means that good ICT design should fit technology in service of practical human
life. Consequently, it is necessary, when beginning to design, to analyse what kinds of
technologies people need by examining and analysing life itself.
To answer this challenge, a new design paradigm has been developed in this
dissertation. The basic concept in this paradigm is ‘form of life’. With this concept it is
meant any systems of rule-following actions in people’s lives. Forms of life offer a
simple but very usable approach to examine life in all kinds of situations. They define
what people do by defining their rule-following actions and attributes in a context.
With the construction of a description of a form of life it is possible to get an idea about
what ICT-designers can do to improve the lives of the people sharing that particular
form of life.
Defining components of a form of life is a critical step in the design. It allows
designers to understand how people could be supported in their pursuit towards the
goals they have in participating in a particular form of life. Following the paradigm
introduced, the rule-following actions and design-relevant attributes can be explicated
and configured to technology-supported actions (TSAs). Creating the descriptions of
TSAs enables designers to define problems accurately and to concentrate on designing
solutions for them.
The new perspective to ICT design is discussed in this dissertation in a context
of older adults and gerontechnology by reviewing the main ideas and findings of the
field. This material provides us with a concrete conception of how forms of life can be
investigated to direct the development of new technologies.
The aim of Life-Based Design is the use of vital understanding about people’s
life as the basis of the creation of design ideas and concept design, to guide the whole
development process of products and services. It is thus the kind of activity which
should be carried out first in the development process. It will produce decisive
information for further phases in the development process.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
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Published in
Jyväskylä studies in computing
Tietueessa on rajoitettuja tiedostoja. You can request a copy of this thesis here The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
Pääsyä osaan aineistoa on rajoitettu. Aineisto on luettavissa Jyväskylän yliopiston kirjaston <a href="">arkistotyöasemalta</a>.