Building bridges: Exploration of music analysis methods in improvisational music therapy research and clinical work
In music therapy, where music is the principal medium of both expression and
communication, the use of an appropriate musical analysis method for clinical
material is of key importance. An effective approach to music analysis allows
accurate assessment of the current state of a client, and adjustment of clinical
methods in order to optimise treatment. There are currently a number of analysis
methods available, but very little guidance regarding factors that are important
in the selection of a specific method for a specific case. This dissertation explores
common music analysis methods that are used in music therapy clinical work
and research. The goals are 1) to establish how the use of various music analysis
methods and the results they provide compare to each other, 2) to explore the
factors influencing music therapists' choice, use, and opinion of music analysis
in music therapy and 3) to explore computational music analysis in the assessment
of depression. This dissertation is based on three studies (a mixed methods
study, a qualitative study and a quantitative study), which resulted in four articles.
Article I, triangulation of music analysis methods, introduces a novel approach
to the classification of music analysis methods. Article II, grounded theory
on the use of music analysis methods, proposes that professional freedom –
tension between professional responsibilities and creative impulses – is a key factor
influencing analysis and its methods in music therapy. Article III, computational
music analysis in depression, and Article IV, computational music analysis
and emotion in depression, establish a set of links between computationally extracted
musical features, depression and felt emotions. Additionally, this dissertation
proposes a set of recommendations for using music analysis for clinicians
and researchers, and a comparison of the availability, accessibility, efficiency and
relevance of various methods. As a body of work, the findings of this project suggest
that data triangulation of musical and psychological measures shows the
greatest potential for music therapy assessment.
Keywords: music therapy, aural music analysis, notation-based music analysis,
computational music analysis, data triangulation
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
Jyväskylän yliopisto
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Published in
JYU Dissertations
Contains publications
- Artikkeli I: Letule, N., Brabant, O., Thompson, M., & Erkkilä, J. (2015). Triangulation of Methods in Assessing Clinical Improvisations. Musiikkiterapia, 30 (1-2), 25-47.
- Artikkeli II: Letule, N., Ala-Ruona, E., & Erkkilä, J. (2018). Professional freedom : A grounded theory on the use of music analysis in psychodynamic music therapy. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 27 (5), 448-466. DOI: 10.1080/08098131.2018.1490920. JYX:
- Artikkeli III: Letulė, N., Paliulaitytė, I., Thompson, M., Navickas, A., Croucher, S., & Erkkilä, J. The effect of depression on musical expression: Computational analysis of referential and non-referential clinical improvisations. Under peer review.
- Artikkeli IV: Letulė, N., Paliulaitytė, I., Thompson, M., Navickas, A., Croucher, S., & Erkkilä, J. The effects of depression on emotional experiences during musical improvisation. Under peer review.
Copyright© The Author & University of Jyväskylä