Removal of molecular contamination in low-energy RIBs by the isolation-dissociation-isolation method
Experiments with low-energy rare ion beams often suffer from a large amount of molecular contaminant ions.
We present the simple isolation-dissociation-isolation method to suppress this kind of contamination. The
method can be applied to almost all types of low-energy beamlines. In a first step, a coarse isolation of the massto-charge ratio of interest is performed, e.g. by a dipole magnet. In a second step, the ions are dissociated. The
last step is again a coarse isolation of the mass-to-charge ratio around the ion of interest. The method was tested
at the FRS Ion Catcher at GSI with a radioactive ion source installed inside the cryogenic stopping cell as well as
with relativistic ions delivered by the synchrotron SIS-18 and stopped in the cryogenic stopping cell. The isolation and dissociation, here collision-induced dissociation, have been implemented in a gas-filled RFQ beamline. A reduction of molecular contamination by more than 4 orders of magnitude was achieved.
Main Authors
Research article
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Elsevier BV
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
- Greiner, F., Dickel, T., Andrés, S. A. S., Bergmann, J., Constantin, P., Ebert, J., Geissel, H., Haettner, E., Hornung, C., Miskun, I., Lippert, W., Mardor, I., Moore, I., Plaß, W. R., Purushothaman, S., Rink, A.-K., Reiter, M. P., Scheidenberger, C., & Weick, H. (2020). Removal of molecular contamination in low-energy RIBs by the isolation-dissociation-isolation method. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 463, 324-326.
Additional information about funding
This work was supported by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) under contracts No. 05P19RGFN1, 05P12RGFN8 and 05P15RGFN1, by Justus Liebig University Gießen and GSI under the JLU-GSI strategic Helmholtz partnership agreement, by HGS-HIRe, and by the Hessian Ministry for Science and Art (HMWK) through the LOEWE Center HICforFAIR. PC is supported by ELI-NP Phase II (1/07.07.2016, COP, ID 1334).
Copyright© 2019 The Authors