Game of Thrones -pelin Let's Play -videot ja populaarikulttuurin vastaanotto esityksenä
Suositun Valtaistuinpeli (Game of Thrones) -tv-sarjan myötä George R. R. Martinin Tulen ja jään laulu -kirjasarjaan perustuvasta transmediauniversumista on tullut ilmiö, jolla on faneja huomattavasti laajemmin kuin vain fantasiaharrastajien piirissä. Tässä artikkelissa pyrin selvittämään tapoja, joilla ihmiset kokevat Valtaistuinpelin maailman, hahmot ja tapahtumat, ja sitä, miten he niitä tulkitsevat ja suhteuttavat omaan elämänkokemukseensa. Hypoteesina on, että Let’s Play -videot tarjoavat hedelmällisen aineiston pelien ja yleisemmin populaarikulttuurin synnyttämien kokemusten tarkasteluun.
Tutkimusmenetelmänäni on Game of Thrones -videopelistä tehtyjen Let’s Play -videoiden analysointi erityisesti pelaaja-kertojan esiintymiseen keskittyen. Tutkimuksen aineisto on koottu satunnaisotantana kahdelta eri videonjakoalustalta (Twitch, Youtube). Ääniraidalla pelaaja-kertojat ensisijaisesti sanallistavat ruudulla näkyviä tapahtumia ja käyttävät runsaasti aikaa myös pelin edellyttämien moraalisten valintojen pohtimiseen ja selittämiseen. Videoissa on myös tärkeässä roolissa pelaaja-kertojien tunnereaktioiden esittäminen, mikä korostaa Let’s Play -videoiden performatiivista luonnetta.
Let’s Play -videot tarjoavat tavan sekä esittää että kasvattaa fanikulttuurista pääomaa. Let’s Play -videoiden kautta pelaaja-kertojat osallistuvat fandomin aineettomaan vaihdantaan, tuoden oman panoksensa Valtaistuinpelin universumiin. Game of Thrones -pelin Let’s Play -videoissa pohdinta keskittyy moraalisiin valintoihin. Videot avaavat näkymän pelaaja-kertojien yksityiseen vastaanottoprosessiin ja sen aikana tapahtuvaan joustavaan erilaisten moraalikoodistojen limittymiseen. Let’s Play -videot näyttävät tarjoavan faniuden esittämiselle uudenlaisen alustan, jossa intiimi vastaanoton hetki voidaan tuottaa yhteisölliseksi kokemukseksi.
The highly popular TV series Game of Thrones has made the transmedia universe originally based on George R. R. Martin’s novel cycle The Song of Ice and Fire into a phenomenon, which has gained fans from much wider audience than fantasy fandom. In this article, I look at the ways how people experience the world, characters, and events of the Game of Thrones, and how they interpret these and relate them to their own lives. I take it as my hypothesis that Let’s Play videos provide fruitful material for scrutinizing the experiences evoked by video games, and more generally, by popular culture productions. My research method consists of analyzing Let’s Play videos based on the Game of Thrones videogame (Telltale 2014–15), focusing especially on the performance of the player-narrators. The data set of this research was sampled from two online video publication platforms (Twitch, Youtube). On the audio track the player-narrators mainly verbalize things happening on the screen while playing Game of Thrones, and they also extensively dwell in the reflections and explanations regarding moral choices prompted by the game. Showing off emotional responses of the player-narrators plays an important role, too, which emphasizes the performative aspect of Let’s Play videos. Let’s Play videos provide a way to show and increase one’s fancultural capital. Through publishing Let’s Play videos the player-narrators participate in the immaterial exchange economy of fandom, by contributing their share into the Game of Thrones universe. In the Game of Thrones Let’s Play videos the reflection focuses on moral choices. These videos open up views to private reception processes of the player-narrators, and to the flexible shifts and overlaps between various moral codes during these processes. Let’s Play videos seem to offer a new kind of platform to perform one’s fan activities, in which the intimate moment of reception may be opened up to a communal experience.
The highly popular TV series Game of Thrones has made the transmedia universe originally based on George R. R. Martin’s novel cycle The Song of Ice and Fire into a phenomenon, which has gained fans from much wider audience than fantasy fandom. In this article, I look at the ways how people experience the world, characters, and events of the Game of Thrones, and how they interpret these and relate them to their own lives. I take it as my hypothesis that Let’s Play videos provide fruitful material for scrutinizing the experiences evoked by video games, and more generally, by popular culture productions. My research method consists of analyzing Let’s Play videos based on the Game of Thrones videogame (Telltale 2014–15), focusing especially on the performance of the player-narrators. The data set of this research was sampled from two online video publication platforms (Twitch, Youtube). On the audio track the player-narrators mainly verbalize things happening on the screen while playing Game of Thrones, and they also extensively dwell in the reflections and explanations regarding moral choices prompted by the game. Showing off emotional responses of the player-narrators plays an important role, too, which emphasizes the performative aspect of Let’s Play videos. Let’s Play videos provide a way to show and increase one’s fancultural capital. Through publishing Let’s Play videos the player-narrators participate in the immaterial exchange economy of fandom, by contributing their share into the Game of Thrones universe. In the Game of Thrones Let’s Play videos the reflection focuses on moral choices. These videos open up views to private reception processes of the player-narrators, and to the flexible shifts and overlaps between various moral codes during these processes. Let’s Play videos seem to offer a new kind of platform to perform one’s fan activities, in which the intimate moment of reception may be opened up to a communal experience.
Main Author
Research article
Publication in research information system
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
- Koskimaa, R. (2019). Game of Thrones -pelin Let's Play -videot ja populaarikulttuurin vastaanotto esityksenä. Lähikuva, 32(3), 7-25.
Research Council of Finland
Funding program(s)
Centre of Excellence, AoF
Huippuyksikkörahoitus, SA

Additional information about funding
Kirjoittaja toimii Suomen Akatemian rahoittamassa Pelikulttuurien tutkimuksen huippuyksikössä (21000040661).
Copyright© Kirjoittaja & Lähikuva, 2019