Cyber Security and Energy Efficiency in the Infrastructures of Smart Societies
This dissertation examines architectures in smart cities and smart societies and also
analyses the communications systems security, cyber security and energy efficiency of
infrastructures, digital information systems and services, and underwater optical cable
systems. The study also develops models for calculating the probabilities of cyber
threats to these entities. This study first examines how digitalisation affects society and
the daily lives of its citizens, its various services, and the environment. Our societies’
digital services even now are available anytime and anywhere, in real time. The changes
brought about by digitalisation of the various services available in our daily lives have
a large impact on society and the lives of its citizens. To take full advantage of the
services offered by digitalisation, people must be able to use secure smart devices and
communication systems to use the services. However, there is a need to examine how
we can improve and provide these services securely, anytime and anywhere in real
time, and determine how the current services will work with future information systems
and service structures. Security and cyber security threats must be taken into account
when providing and developing these services because these services and
infrastructures are subject to ubiquitous security and cyber security threats on a daily
basis. Natural threats and risks also have an occasional impact on the availability and
continuity of services, especially in the Arctic region. This dissertation introduces a
single user device concept designed to reduce and prevent the impact of potential
network threats and cyber-attacks in future environments and services. As the number
of available services and the energy consumption of different systems increase
exponentially, the volumes of harmful greenhouse gases that are often transported
directly into the air also increase exponentially. More attention must therefore be given
to the root causes of climate change and, in particular, to services with a high energy
consumption. Despite discussing digitalisation and its importance in our services, the
effects of digitalisation on the growth of energy consumption and its consequences are
not sufficiently taken into account in our societies. Thus, we consider whether it is
possible to reduce the energy consumption of services and thereby reduce greenhouse
gas emissions. When building new ecosystems or improving existing solutions and
structures, cost-effectiveness needs to be considered and improved to improve
operational efficiency across all sectors.
Keywords: smart cities, smart society, energy consumptions, risks, threats, cyberattacks,
climate change, greenhouse gases.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
Jyväskylän yliopisto
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Published in
JYU Dissertations
Contains publications
- Artikkeli I: Hummelholm, A. (2018). Cyber threat analysis in smart city environments. In A. Jøsang (Ed.), ECCWS 2018 : Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (pp. 523-532). Academic Conferences International.
- Artikkeli II: Hummelholm, A. (2019). Undersea optical cable network and cyber threats. In Cruz, Tiago; Simoes, Paulo (Eds.) ECCWS 2019 : Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, Proceedings of the European conference on information warfare and security. Academic Conferences International, 650-659.
- Artikkeli III: Thorisson H., Baiardi, F., Salminen, M., Van Erdeghem, R., Sahay, R., Paquin, B., Heath, C., Skarga-Bandurova, I., Branlat, M., Hummelholm, A., Lambert, J. H., Linkov, I., Trump, B. D. (2019). Cyber Security Challenges to Arctic Critical Infrastructures. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series – D: Information and Communication Security. IOS Press. DOI: 10.3233/NICSP200043
- Artikkeli IV: Hummelholm, A. (2019). E-health systems in digital environments. In Cruz, Tiago; Simoes, Paulo (Eds.) ECCWS 2019 : Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, Proceedings of the European conference on information warfare and security. Academic Conferences International, 641-649.
- Artikkeli V: Hummelholm, A. (2019). Threat characterization for various layers of infrastructure. In NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - D: Information and Communication Security. Volume 58: Cybersecurity and Resilience in the Arctic, pp. 150-182. DOI: 10.3233/NICSP200046
Copyright© The Author & University of Jyväskylä