Vanhempien sosioekonomisen taustan yhteys lasten fyysisen aktiivisuuden toteutumiseen
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää 3-7-vuotiaiden lasten vanhempien sosioekonomisen taustan yhteyksiä lasten fyysisen aktiivisuuden toteutumiseen lasten arjessa. Sosioekonomisiksi tekijöiksi määriteltiin vanhempien koulutus, kotitalouden vuosittaiset bruttotulot sekä perhemuoto. Fyysistä aktiivisuutta tarkasteltiin lapsen fyysisen elinympäristön, lapsen ulkoilun ja mediaviihteen käytön, ohjattuun liikuntaharrastukseen osallistumisen sekä vanhempien osoittaman tuen muodossa. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin vuosien 2015-16 aikana osana Jyväskylän yliopiston Liikuntatieteellisen tiedekunnan Taitavat tenavat- tutkimushanketta. Tutkimukseen osallistui 3-7- vuotiaita päiväkotilapsia (n=1238) perheineen, 24:ltä paikka-kunnalta 37:stä eri päiväkodista ympäri Suomea. Aineisto kerättiin Taitavat tenavat- kyselylomakkeella. Lomakkeella kartoitettiin lapsen liikkumiseen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä.
Aineiston kuvailuun käytettiin prosenttiosuuksia ja sosioekonomisten tekijöiden mukaan prosenttiosuuksia kuvaavaa ristiintaulukointia. Vanhempien koulutuksen ja kotitalouden vuosittaisten bruttotulojen tilastollisesti merkitseviä yhteyksiä lapsen fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen analysoitiin Spearmanin järjestyskorrelaatiokertoimen avulla. Sosioekonomisten tekijöiden ryhmittelyjä tehtiin koulutuksen (ei korkeakoulututkintoa – korkeakoulututkinto), kotitalouden vuosittaiset bruttotulojen (39 990€ / vuosi < 40 000€ / vuosi) sekä perhemuodon (ydinperhe – yksinhuoltajaperhe) osalta. Ryhmien välisiä eroja analysoitiin riippumattomien otosten t-testillä.
Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että vanhempien korkeampi koulutus ja vuosittainen tulotaso olivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä lapsen liikunnallista aktiivisuutta tukevan fyysisen elinympäristön muodostumiseen sekä lapsen fyysisen aktiivisuuden toteutumiseen. Ylemmän sosioekonomisen aseman perheiden lapsilla oli käytössään enemmän vapaata leikki- ja liikkumistilaa sekä enemmän liikunnallisuutta tukevia olosuhteita (lähiliikuntapaikkoja / piha-alueita / riittävä asunnon sisätila) lähiympäristössään. Heidän käytössään oli myös vähemmän medialaitteita ja heidän mediaviihteen käyttönsä oli vähäisempää. Korkea-asteen koulutuksen ja ylemmän tuloluokan perheiden lapset osallistuivat useammin ohjattuun liikuntaharrastukseen ja heidän viikoittainen mediaviihteen käyttö oli alhaisempaa kuin ei korkea-asteen koulutuksen saaneiden alemman tuloluokan perheiden lasten. Vastaavasti ei korkea-asteen koulutuksen saaneiden ja alemman tuloluokan vanhempien lapset ulkoilivat arkisin enemmän kuin korkea-asteen koulutuksen saaneiden ja ylemmän tuloluokan perheiden lapset. Perhemuodoilla havaittiin eroa ainoastaan lapsen liikunnallisuutta aktiivisuutta tukevan fyysisen elinympäristön olemassa oloon. Korkeampi koulutus oli kauttaaltaan positiivisessa yhteydessä vanhempien osoittamaan tukeen lapsen liikunnallisuutta kohtaan sekä vanhempien omaan liikunnan harrastamiseen. Korkeammassa tuloluokassa olevat vanhemmat osoittivat enemmän erityisesti suoraa tukea lapsen liikunnallista aktiivisuutta kohtaan kuin alemman tuloluokan vanhemmat.
Alle kouluikäisille kohdistettavien interventioiden suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa tulisi ottaa huomioon lasten sosioekonomisten taustojen vaikutus perheen mahdollisuuteen tukea lapsen liikunnallisen elintavan syntymistä ja liikunnan avulla tapahtuvaa turvallista lapsen kehitystä ja kasvua. Erityisesti interventioissa tulisi kiinnittää huomiota lapsen fyysisen elinympäristön liikunnallisuutta edistävien olosuhteiden hyödyntämiseen sekä vanhempien osoittaman sosiaalisen tuen määrän lisäämiseen lapsen liikunnallisuutta kohtaan.
The aim of this study was to examine the associations between parent socioeconomic status (SES) and physical activity of 3- to 7-year-old day care children in their everyday lives. In this study, socioeconomic factors were defined as parent education level, yearly household income level and family status. Children’s physical activity factors were defined as the child’s physical living environment, time spent playing outdoors, participation in organized sports and access to and use of electronic devices. Data was collected in 2015 and 2016 as a part of the University of Jyväskylä’s Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences’ Skilled Kids project. Participants in this study were 3- to 7-year-old day care / kindergarten children (n = 1238) and their parents from 24 different cities and 37 different kindergartens around Finland. Data was collected via a parent questionnaire (Skilled Kids questionnaire). The questionnaire included the factors related to the children´s physical activity. Percentages and crosstabs were used to describe the data. Associations between parent education and yearly income levels and children’s physical activity were analysed using Spearman’s correlations. Socioeconomic factors were divided in two groups for educational level (no polytechnic or university degree and polytechnic or university degree), household yearly income (39,990 € or less per year and 40,000 € or more per year) and family status (nuclear family and single parent family). Group differences were tested by independent t-test. Results showed that parents with more education and a higher yearly income were statistically significantly associated with the formation of living environments that support children’s physical activity, as well as with greater amounts of weekly physical activity in children. Children in higher SES families had more free play opportunities and movement space, and access to more facilities to support physical activity (nearby sport facilities/yard areas/spacious rooms) in their living environments. They also had less access to electronic devices and used these devices less frequently. Children from higher education and yearly income level families participated more often in organized sports activities and used less electronic devices than children from lower education and income level families. Children from lower education level families spent more time outdoors on a weekly basis; as also children in higher yearly income level families spent less time outdoors. Family status was noted to be associated only with environmental factors that support children’s physical activity. Parents’ higher education levels were positively associated throughout with parental support for children’s physical activity as well as with parents’ own weekly physical activity. Parents with higher yearly income levels especially showed more direct support for their children’s physical activity than lower yearly income level parents. The effect of SES on families’ opportunities to support the development of physically active lifestyles for their children should be taken into account when planning and implementing interventions for children under school age. Special attention should be paid to creating living environments for children supportive of physical activity and increasing the amount of parental social support for children’s physical activity.
The aim of this study was to examine the associations between parent socioeconomic status (SES) and physical activity of 3- to 7-year-old day care children in their everyday lives. In this study, socioeconomic factors were defined as parent education level, yearly household income level and family status. Children’s physical activity factors were defined as the child’s physical living environment, time spent playing outdoors, participation in organized sports and access to and use of electronic devices. Data was collected in 2015 and 2016 as a part of the University of Jyväskylä’s Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences’ Skilled Kids project. Participants in this study were 3- to 7-year-old day care / kindergarten children (n = 1238) and their parents from 24 different cities and 37 different kindergartens around Finland. Data was collected via a parent questionnaire (Skilled Kids questionnaire). The questionnaire included the factors related to the children´s physical activity. Percentages and crosstabs were used to describe the data. Associations between parent education and yearly income levels and children’s physical activity were analysed using Spearman’s correlations. Socioeconomic factors were divided in two groups for educational level (no polytechnic or university degree and polytechnic or university degree), household yearly income (39,990 € or less per year and 40,000 € or more per year) and family status (nuclear family and single parent family). Group differences were tested by independent t-test. Results showed that parents with more education and a higher yearly income were statistically significantly associated with the formation of living environments that support children’s physical activity, as well as with greater amounts of weekly physical activity in children. Children in higher SES families had more free play opportunities and movement space, and access to more facilities to support physical activity (nearby sport facilities/yard areas/spacious rooms) in their living environments. They also had less access to electronic devices and used these devices less frequently. Children from higher education and yearly income level families participated more often in organized sports activities and used less electronic devices than children from lower education and income level families. Children from lower education level families spent more time outdoors on a weekly basis; as also children in higher yearly income level families spent less time outdoors. Family status was noted to be associated only with environmental factors that support children’s physical activity. Parents’ higher education levels were positively associated throughout with parental support for children’s physical activity as well as with parents’ own weekly physical activity. Parents with higher yearly income levels especially showed more direct support for their children’s physical activity than lower yearly income level parents. The effect of SES on families’ opportunities to support the development of physically active lifestyles for their children should be taken into account when planning and implementing interventions for children under school age. Special attention should be paid to creating living environments for children supportive of physical activity and increasing the amount of parental social support for children’s physical activity.
Main Author
Master thesis
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