Highly deformed bands in Nd nuclei : New results and consistent interpretation within the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky formalism
Three new highly-deformed (HD) bands are identified in 136Nd and the highly deformed band of 137Nd is extended at higher spin by four transitions, revealing a band crossing associated with the occupation of the second νi13/2 intruder orbital. Extended cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations are performed for all HD bands observed in 134Nd, 136Nd, and 137Nd, achieving for the first time a consistent interpretation of all HD bands in the Nd nuclei. The new interpretation has significant consequences, like the change of parity of the yrast HD bands of 134Nd and 136Nd, and the involvement of two negative-parity neutron intruder orbitals in the configurations of most HD bands. The present experimental results and their theoretical interpretation represent an important step forward in the understanding of the second-minimum excitations in the Nd nuclei.
Main Authors
Research article
Publication in research information system
American Physical Society
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201911204952Use this for linking
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Peer reviewed
Published in
Physical Review C
- Petrache, C. M., Lv, B. F., Astier, A., Dupont, E., Zheng, K.K., Greenlees, P. T., Badran, H., Calverley, T., Cox, D. M., Grahn, T., Hilton, J., Julin, R., Juutinen, S., Konki, J., Pakarinen, J., Papadakis, P., Partanen, J., Rahkila, P., Ruotsalainen, P., . . . Andreoiu, C. (2019). Highly deformed bands in Nd nuclei : New results and consistent interpretation within the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky formalism. Physical Review C, 100(5), Article 054319. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.100.054319
Additional information about funding
This work has been supported by the Academy of Finland under the Finnish Centre of Excellence Programme (2012–2017), by the EU 7th Framework Programme Project No. 262010 (ENSAR), by the US DOE under Contracts No. DEFG02-95ER-40934, by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary (Project No. K128947), by the European Regional Development Fund (Contract No. GINOP-2.3.3-15-2016-00034), by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office NKFIH, Contract No. PD124717, by the Polish National Science Centre Grant No. 2013/10/M/ST2/00427, by the Swedish Research Council under Grant No. 621-2014-5558, by the Chinese Major State 973 Program No. 2013CB834400, by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 11335002, No. 11375015, No. 11461141002, and No. 11621131001), and by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
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