Co-creation vs. brandjacking : a case study on customer engagement on LinkedIn
Digitaalisen median ja sosiaalisen median alustojen kehitys on muuttanut tapaa, jolla kuluttajat vuorovaikuttavat sekä brändien että toistensa kanssa. Koska sosiaalisessa mediassa kuluttajat ottavat aktiivisen osallistujan ja kehittäjän roolin, markkinointi- ja viestintästrategioiden painopiste on muuttunut viestien luomisesta ja jakamisesta sidosryhmien osallistamiseen eri tavoin. Sidosryhmien osallistaminen markkinointiviestintään asettaa yrityksille myös haasteita, sillä erityisesti sosiaalisessa mediassa keskustelun luonne ja painopiste voi helposti kääntyä negatiiviseksi.
Tämä tutkielma koostuu kahdesta osasta, joita ovat kirjallisuuskatsaus ja empiirinen case-tutkimus. Tutkielmalle asetettiin kaksi tavoitetta. Ensimmäinen tavoite oli esitellä kuluttajien osallistamisen ja sitouttamisen eri käsitteitä sen positiivista muodoista, kuten yhteiskehittelystä ja käyttäjien tuottamista sisällöistä negatiivisiin ilmiöihin, kuten brändinkaappaukseen. Akateemisessa kirjallisuudessa esiintyviä käsitteitä verrattiin edelleen keskenään niiden eroavaisuuksien ja yhtäläisyyksien määrittämiseksi. Vaikka osallistumista sosiaalisessa mediassa on tutkittu runsaasti, tutkimusta sidosryhmien osallistumisesta LinkedInissa on vain vähän. Siten tutkimuksen toisena tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitkä ovat yleisimmät osallistumisen muodot LinkedInissa. Osallistumista tutkittiin kahden esimerkkiorganisaation, Finnairin ja KLM:n kautta. Yhteensä 94 LinkedIn-julkaisua kerättiin, luokiteltiin ja analysoitiin laadullisen sisällönanalyysin ja määrällisen luokittelun keinoin.
Tutkimuksen mukaan yleisimmät osallistumisen muodot LinkedInissa olivat joko neutraaleja tai positiivisia sekä tunteiden että brändiasenteiden näkökulmasta. Tutkimus viittaa siihen, että positiiviset ja henkilökohtaiset sisällöt myös resonoivat yleisössä parhaiten. Negatiivinen osallistuminen oli paitsi harvinaista, se myös usein jätettiin muiden käyttäjien toimesta huomiotta. Tätä positiivista dominanssia voi osittain selittää LinkedInin vahva henkilöbrändäämisen kulttuuri. Sekä käytetyt tutkimusmetodit että tutkimusmateriaalin rajallinen otanta vaikuttavat tutkimuksen reliabiliteettiin ja validiteettiin. Siten tämän tutkimuksen tulokset ovat suuntaa-antavia. Lisätutkimus on tarpeen, jotta aiheesta voidaan vetää yleistettäviä johtopäätöksiä.
The development of digital media and social media platforms has changed the way consumers interact with brands and with each other. In social media, consumers take the role of active participants and co-creators which has shifted the focus of communications and marketing strategies from creating and distributing messages to discovering new ways of engaging customers and other stakeholders. Inviting stakeholders to engage comes with a risk, however, as even well-intended campaigns can easily turn into negative engagement. This thesis consists of two major components, being an integrative literature review and a case study. As customer engagement has become a popular topic within academics, the first objective of this thesis was to introduce the different forms of customer engagement as they have been studied in the past academic literature, from its positive forms, such as co-creation, lead users concept and user generated content to the negative extremes, such as brandjacking. The concepts were further compared to demonstrate their differences as well as similarities. As LinkedIn remains an unexplored platform in the research on engagement, the second objective was to identify the dominant forms of engagement on LinkedIn. LinkedIn engagement was studied in the context of two organizations, KLM and Finnair. In total, 94 LinkedIn posts were collected, categorized and analyzed using qualitative content analysis as well as quantitative data categorization. This research suggests that the dominant forms of engagement are largely defined by the self-promotional nature of the platform, resulting in either neutral or positive engagement both in terms of emotion and attitudes towards brands. Negative engagement does not only represent the minority of the engagement on LinkedIn, but it is also ignored by other users. However, due to the limitations induced by the research methods as well as the limited sampling, the conclusions of this study are merely indicative. In order to draw generalizable conclusions on LinkedIn engagement further research needs to be conducted.
The development of digital media and social media platforms has changed the way consumers interact with brands and with each other. In social media, consumers take the role of active participants and co-creators which has shifted the focus of communications and marketing strategies from creating and distributing messages to discovering new ways of engaging customers and other stakeholders. Inviting stakeholders to engage comes with a risk, however, as even well-intended campaigns can easily turn into negative engagement. This thesis consists of two major components, being an integrative literature review and a case study. As customer engagement has become a popular topic within academics, the first objective of this thesis was to introduce the different forms of customer engagement as they have been studied in the past academic literature, from its positive forms, such as co-creation, lead users concept and user generated content to the negative extremes, such as brandjacking. The concepts were further compared to demonstrate their differences as well as similarities. As LinkedIn remains an unexplored platform in the research on engagement, the second objective was to identify the dominant forms of engagement on LinkedIn. LinkedIn engagement was studied in the context of two organizations, KLM and Finnair. In total, 94 LinkedIn posts were collected, categorized and analyzed using qualitative content analysis as well as quantitative data categorization. This research suggests that the dominant forms of engagement are largely defined by the self-promotional nature of the platform, resulting in either neutral or positive engagement both in terms of emotion and attitudes towards brands. Negative engagement does not only represent the minority of the engagement on LinkedIn, but it is also ignored by other users. However, due to the limitations induced by the research methods as well as the limited sampling, the conclusions of this study are merely indicative. In order to draw generalizable conclusions on LinkedIn engagement further research needs to be conducted.
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Master thesis
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