Power of lower extremities and age were the main determinants on the agility test for adults in a cohort of men aged 66-91 years
Study Design: Cross-sectional study.
Objective: To evaluate the relationship between agility and personal factors, muscle strength and power, mobility, self-reported balance and physical activity among older men.
Methods: Agility was measured by using the Agility Test for Adults (ATA). We studied 100 Finnish male former elite athletes (endurance n = 50; power n = 50) and 50 matched controls aged 66 to 91 years (mean age 75.5 years). The associations between agility and other variables were similar between three groups; thus, multiple linear regression analyses were done by using the pooled data of the participants.
Results: On the basis of multiple linear regression analyses, combination of age (p = .02), self-reported Activities-specific Balance Confidence scale (ABC scale), jumping height (p = .001) and self-rated health explained 26% of the variance in execution time of ATA (R2 = 0.26; p = .000002) among elderly men.
Conclusion: Power of lower extremities and age were the main determinants of the results of ATA in a cohort of men aged 66–91 years. From a clinical point of view, power of lower extremities measured by test demanding explosive power plays an important role to maintain or enhance capacity of agility.
Main Authors
Research article
Publication in research information system
Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis Group
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201911114810Use this for linking
Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
European Journal of Physiotherapy
- Manderoos, S., Wasenius, N. S., Laine, M. K., Kujala, U. M., Mälkiä, E. A., Kaprio, J., Sarna, S., Bäckman, H. M., Kettunen, J. A., Aunola, S., & Eriksson, J. G. (2021). Power of lower extremities and age were the main determinants on the agility test for adults in a cohort of men aged 66-91 years. European Journal of Physiotherapy, 23(2), 122-131. https://doi.org/10.1080/21679169.2019.1650395
Additional information about funding
This Finnish cohort study was funded by the Academy of Finland, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Juho Vainio Foundation, the Finnish Heart Research Foundation, Paavo Nurmi Foundation, the Finnish Cultural Foundation, and by a grant from Medical Society of Finland, Finska Läkaresällskapet and Folkhälsan Research Centre, Finland.
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