Concepts of postmodernism

This work explores, creates and reconstructs hermeneutical perspectives needed to explain the hermeneutics of the sign in the postmodernism of prose fiction and in paradigms (including modernism and Romanticism) and discourses relevant from the point of view of this question. The work explores the theoretical conditions for and of paradigmatic, historical and contextual postmodernism, doing this from the discourses, with the emphasis on prose fiction, but also paying attention to the active role in constructing postmodernism of the discourses and theory and their approaches. It explores the more wide literary, critical and philosophical paradigm, putting it into hermeneutical perspective with regard to the goals of this work and takes up analogies in other art forms. It investigates the dimensions and consequencies of the performative approach and of the changes of the concepts and uses of imagination and language, reception and the subject, and pays attention to the respective kinds of conceiving of the hermeneutics of the sign. Even with some historical depth, the work puts these aspects in hermeneutical perspective. The work shows that "reconstructive/deconstructive textual/phenomenological ad hoc myths" build up in the mimesis and in the reception of prose fiction and that the nature of paradigmatic postmodernism, its kind of textual mimesis and this reconstructive deconstructive myth-constructing as well as its becoming most peculiar especially in postmodernism can be explained with the Lacanian view. With its new concept of myth, the work mildens the dichotomy between the Aristotelians and the textualists and demonstrates that it is more a matter of emphasis. This work also shows that postmodernism in prose fiction is best understood as a hermeneutical/historical concept. The approaches in the work to the analogies with and differences from Romanticism and modernism are hermeneutical/historical.
Main Author
Theses Doctoral thesis
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Jyväskylä studies in the arts
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