Heavy-flavour production in the SACOT-mT scheme
The hadroproduction of heavy-flavoured mesons has recently attracted a growing interest e.g. within the people involved in global analysis of proton and nuclear parton distribution functions, saturation physics, and physics of cosmic rays. In particular, the D- and B-meson measurements of LHCb at forward direction are sensitive to gluon dynamics at small x and are one of the few perturbative small-x probes before the next generation deep-inelastic-scattering experiments. In this talk, we will concentrate on the collinear-factorization approach to inclusive D-meson production and describe a novel implementation — SACOT-mT — of the general-mass variable flavour number scheme (GM-VFNS). In the GM-VFNS framework the cross sections retain the full heavy-quark mass dependence at pT = 0, but gradually reduce to the ordinary zero-mass results towards asymptotically high pT. However, the region of small (but non-zero) pT has been somewhat problematic in the previous implementations of GM-VFNS, leading to divergent cross sections towards pT → 0, unless the QCD scales are set in a particular way. Here, we provide a solution to this problem. In essence, the idea is to consistently account for the underlying energy-momentum conservation in the presence of a final-state heavy quark-antiquark pair. This automatically leads to a well-behaved GM-VFNS description of the cross sections across all pT without a need to fine tune the QCD scales. The results are compared with the LHCb data and a very good agreement is found. We also compare to fixed-order based calculations and explain why they lead to approximately a factor of two lower D-meson production cross sections than the GM-VFNS approach.
Main Authors
Conference paper
Publication in research information system
Sissa Medialab srl
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201910164484Käytä tätä linkitykseen.
Review status
Peer reviewed
International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions
Published in
POS Proceedings of Science
Is part of publication
Hard Probes 2018 : International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions
- Paukkunen, H., & Helenius, I. (2019). Heavy-flavour production in the SACOT-mT scheme. In D. d'Enterria, A. Morsch, & P. Crochet (Eds.), Hard Probes 2018 : International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (Article 145). Sissa Medialab srl. POS Proceedings of Science, 345. https://doi.org/10.22323/1.345.0145
Research Council of Finland
Research Council of Finland
Funding program(s)
Academy Research Fellow, AoF
Academy Project, AoF
Akatemiatutkija, SA
Akatemiahanke, SA
![Research Council of Finland Research Council of Finland](/jyx/themes/jyx/images/funders/sa_logo.jpg?_=1739278984)
Additional information about funding
We acknowledge the Academy of Finland, Projects 297058 and 308301, as well as the Carl Zeiss Foundation and the state of Baden-Württemberg through bwHPC, for support. The Finnish IT Center for Science (CSC) has provided computational resources for this work.
Copyright© The Authors, 2019