Migrant women, work, and investment in language learning : Two success stories
Iikkanen, P. (2022). Migrant women, work, and investment in language learning : Two success stories. Applied Linguistics Review, 13(4), 545-571. https://doi.org/10.1515/applirev-2019-0052
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Applied Linguistics ReviewAuthors
© 2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston
In the media, migrant mothers are often portrayed as uneducated, having trouble learning a new language, and preferring to stay at home rather than entering paid employment. This article offers a contrasting point of view as a result of examining how two migrant women narrativize their experiences of language learning and working-life-related integration during a three-year period. Specific attention is paid to how the women make sense of their language use over time, and how this may have contributed to their integration into working life and the wellbeing of their families. Interview data was analyzed using the short story analytical approach, focusing on both the content and the various scales of context portrayed in the stories. The analysis is informed theoretically by the concept of investment. The findings indicate that, first, English was used when interacting with members and institutions of the Finnish society, but gradually the use of English was replaced by an emerging Finnish proficiency. At first with the help of English and later, by deciding to invest in learning Finnish, both key participants managed to build new careers and meaningful lives for themselves and their families in a new environment.
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